ArcGIS for Land Administration

Providing a scalable platform for land administration

ArcGIS is an interoperable platform for land administration in a commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) solution The ArcGIS platform for land administration is compliant with the Land Administration Domain Model (LADM, ISO 19152:2012) as well as many Open Geospatial Consortium, Inc. (OGC), and ISO standards. The platform includes access to the world's largest collection of online digital maps and imagery in ArcGIS Online.

Fit-for-purpose land administration

  • The ability to assign fieldwork based on location and staff availability
  • Applications to capture high-accuracy survey data through mobile devices
  • Easy-to-configure dashboards to understand the status of work
  • The capability to easily generate standardized land titles or certificates
  • Configurable web maps, apps, APIs to enable the publication and reuse of cadastral data

ArcGIS for Land Administration Offers | Esri GIS Solutions

Enterprise platform for land administration

  • A centralized enterprise job management and tracking system to streamline cadastral work processes and track feature edits
  • Advanced parcel editing tools and purpose-built workflows
  • A set of tools to simplify and automate quality control on parcel data
  • Executive dashboards to understand the status of work
  • An enterprise GIS portal for your cadastral data

Land consolidation

  • An application that allows government staff to identify a collection of properties and automatically create mailing labels or a structured text file of owners
  • The ability to measure the extent of land fragmentation within a given area
  • The ability to automate the design of alternative land redistribution plans according to parameters defined by planners
  • The ability to rank and select the most optimal redistribution plan based on ranked criteria
  • An application that can be used by the public and other interested parties to review land-use cases and submit feedback on a given project

Land valuation and visualization

  • The ability to build property valuation models by combining geoprocessing tools, map layers, and property attribute data
  • Field applications that can be used to collect or crowdsource property attribute data and photos
  • Spatial analytic tools to quickly use drag-and-drop methods and identify trends and patterns in valuation data
  • Configurable web maps and apps to publish your valuation roll, compare property values from year to year, manage appeals, or visualize value using specific parameters
  • A web-based portal to create, organize, and share your property valuation data with other people in your organization

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