Enhance Business Resilience

Reliably adapt to changing needs

Person writing notes while looking at a laptop computer, alongside a photo of a skyscraper and the land beneath it, a location marker, and a colorful map hexagons

An adaptive framework for sustainable results

General Motors uses spatial insights to transform risk management, creating a more resilient supply chain for its global operations.

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Spatial workflows to strengthen operations

Increase resilient business practices

Long before disruptions impact operations, business leaders can use authoritative spatial insights to strengthen core processes. Location intelligence provides an adaptive framework to uncover hidden business vulnerabilities, with enhanced spatial analytics that empower leaders to understand exposure and implement robust contingency plans.

Manage risks with scalable analytics

As businesses continue to face increasingly complex and dispersed disruptions, risk management professionals require an unparalleled view of their exposure. Location intelligence gives risk teams spatial capabilities that help them analyze and visualize their exposure to a wide spectrum of risks at-scale, from regional trends to site-specific needs.

Ensure workforce safety and security

Resilient businesses have leaders who understand that ensuring workplace safety for employees and customers is paramount to the continuity of operations. Location intelligence allows corporate security teams to operationalize their disparate threat feeds and safety plans into a single integrated view for coordination and planning across the enterprise. 

Achieve higher environmental standards

Our world is threatened by human-led activities that accelerate climate change. Innovative business leaders are using spatial analyses to increase their organizations’ resilience to natural disasters while doing good for the planet—from avoiding potentially hazardous geographies to devesting from negative environmental practices.

Foster inclusive and equitable workforces

Spatial insights reveal opportunities for businesses to foster racial equity within the workplace. Discover hidden patterns and visualize opportunities to further racial equity in your workforce, supply chain, and via enterprise-wide initiatives – from equitable hiring practices to ensuring opportunities for career expansion and growth.

Drive impactful change with precision

As businesses continue to expand in new and existing locales, they inevitably become exposed to a broad spectrum of risks. Spatial insights provide advanced capabilities to mitigate disruptions. Location intelligence empowers risk professionals to triage risks at-scale and determine potential impacts to an organization before they emerge.

Industry Blog

A dynamic framework for adaptive resilience

Adopting a spatial data framework is necessary to adapt to the growing challenges and disruptions facing businesses today.

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