Model conditions and trends
Use workforce coordination, real-time mapping, and spatial analysis to reduce operational costs, increase efficiency, and improve situational awareness for common activities such as timber cruising.
Update to digital workflows
Effectively managing operations is critical to ensuring profitability. Create and share harvest plans, tracts, and unit boundaries using appropriate forestry software applications. Evaluate key metrics for timber cruising, mill delivery, and forest infrastructure status to ensure operational continuity and key performance indicators (KPIs) through interactive dashboards that bring business intelligence workflows to life.
Use workforce coordination, real-time mapping, and spatial analysis to reduce operational costs, increase efficiency, and improve situational awareness for common activities such as timber cruising.
Ensure that operational forest management activities meet planned objectives and budgets. With your data easily accessible, you can visualize mission-critical information to prevent and mitigate damage to harvesting operations or forest lands.
Deliver actionable information to decision-makers anywhere, anytime to improve task prioritization and rapid decision-making. Specialized reports and dashboards support operational activities and compliance with organizational and regulatory policies.
Deploy flexible mobile applications to the field and integrate with remotely sensed data to support critical workflows like timber cruising and harvest operations.
Collect and analyze equipment and Internet of Things (IoT) data in near real-time to strengthen forestry workflows. Leverage performance dashboards to model complex workflows, improve response times, eliminate waste, and reduce costs.
Coordinate, schedule, and dispatch workforce activities efficiently. Assign tasks, monitor status, and measure progress in real time to increase productivity throughout each step of the forest products supply chain.
Plan and manage drone fleet operations, process the raw imagery, and upload the results to a scalable cloud environment, then share with people throughout the enterprise as web services.
Share information with your stakeholders in formats they can understand and immediately use, whether in a 3D view, a report, or a map, or as a web service.
Mendocino Redwood Company leaders share sustainable forestry practices, including streamlining workflows, regulatory processes, and access to data.
Montana's natural resources department uses ArcGIS Hub to combine forest condition and wildfire risk data, building collaboration among stakeholders.
ArcGIS Workforce helps staff gain an accurate understanding of potential impacts in an area to minimize detrimental effects.
Culp Lumber has embraced the enhanced workflows that online GIS makes possible to improve assessment, cutting, and hauling of lumber.
Self-updating charts, gauges, and histograms in ArcGIS Dashboards help mobile and office staff see which resources need to go where.
Mapping and analysis for everyone
Work with smart, data-driven styles and intuitive analysis tools that deliver location intelligence, and share your insights with others.
All-in-one app for mobile work
Data-driven maps help mobile workers perform data collection and editing and report their real-time locations.
Real-time and big data analysis
Process, visualize, and analyze real-time data feeds; store those feeds as big data; and perform fast queries and analysis.
Your information at a glance
Present location-based analytics using intuitive and interactive data visualizations on a single screen to convey information.