Spatial Portfolio Management

Turn data into precise action

Man looking at a laptop, map with densely placed dots

Reveal hidden opportunities and risks

Successful financial services providers understand that the best market opportunities start with extracting insights from their existing book of business. Location intelligence amplifies these learnings; it elevates traditional market knowledge with powerful tools for spatial analysis. Industry-leading firms embrace spatially driven portfolio management to unite disparate data streams into a single, holistic view. Precisely manage assets, policies, and real estate and understand influential factors that impact growth opportunities and portfolio risk.

Capabilities for portfolio management

Visualize the entire book of business

Businesses have massive amounts of data about their assets, policies, and investments, but too often valuable insights are hidden within tabular reports or siloed databases. With location intelligence, businesses can unite disparate portfolio data into an integrated view so decision-makers can intuitively understand key values by market.

Water quality status map and metrics

Uncover costly risks hidden in a portfolio

Every risk is uniquely tied to location, and understanding the spatial connection between perils and portfolio is the key to proactively minimizing business disruptions. By thinking spatially about risks, businesses can better understand the cumulative exposure of their assets, policies, and investments from individual sites to multiple markets.

Dark map with bright orange and yellow dots

Guide investments with data-driven strategies

Analyze the success of investment strategies and elevate existing market knowledge with tools for spatial analysis. Location intelligence enables businesses to create compelling pitchbooks for investors and clients, highlighting market trends, valuations, and historical performance in a single, integrated view.

Map of the United States with blue and yellow polygons


Advising an industry in transition

A strategic adviser to the banking industry uses location analysis to guide financial institutions to the right customers.

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