Outdoor Recreation

Provide quality outdoor recreation experiences for current and future generations

Hiker looking at her cell phone and a map of recreation areas

Take a geospatial approach to outdoor recreation

Providing outdoor recreation on public lands delivers a valuable public service to communities and supports local economies. Land managers can use GIS to communicate recreation opportunities, interpret resources, and engage with the public through community science initiatives. Location-based situational awareness helps staff keep recreational assets well-maintained and safe, and real-time updates support quick responses to changes in their status. With GIS, leaders can measure and visualize the economic impact of outdoor recreation and communicate these benefits to stakeholders.

Advance outdoor recreation with location technology

Protect natural and cultural resources

Staff can use GIS to catalog and track natural and cultural resources and ensure their protection before, during, and after recreational development and maintenance.

SC Natural Heritage Species Reviewer


GIS Boosts R3 Initiative in Recreation Office

The Connecticut Department of Energy and Environmental Protection used GIS to help increase participation in its youth fishing program.

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Environment and natural resources focus areas


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