Wildlife and Land Management

Find balance among land, wildlife, and humans.

 A map with different areas highlighted in blue, green, yellow, and pink overlaid with an image of a large brown bear in the wild

Protect, restore, and manage natural resources

Understanding the relationships between ecosystems and our impact on them requires a geographic approach. With GIS technology, wildlife managers can monitor species and ecosystems in real time or take mobile tools offline for monitoring programs in remote, protected areas. 

By capturing the extent of land and wildlife survey activities and measuring their impact through time, managers can turn this data collection into a conservation management plan with spatial analytics.

Streamline natural resource management

Prioritize resource protection

Successful land resource protection begins with setting priorities. Use GIS to assess the status of wildlife resources, distribution, and threats, as well as to track any changes. With GIS, you can compare scenarios against modeled future conditions to target and plan your stewardship and conservation activities.

A forestry index dashboard for the United States displaying a map, a chart, and numbers

Blog post

Manage Wildlife for Hunters and Healthy Habitats

The Pennsylvania Game Commission embraces enterprise GIS for statewide dashboards for hunters and better management of game species.

Read the blog

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