Debris Management

Expedite solutions to aid recovery

A map showing debris location icons, and a neighborhood sidewalk covered in illegally dumped litter

Disaster debris removal is often the first visible step a community takes in the recovery phase. Esri's ArcGIS Solution for Emergency Debris Management expedites initial debris removal operations; assesses debris volume; and monitors the removal of debris accumulated on roads and at public facilities by following the Federal Emergency Management Agency's (FEMA) standard guidelines.

ArcGIS solutions for debris management

Train personnel and prepare for deployment

Effective organizations train in advance of a disaster, using mock exercises to familiarize personnel with processes and technology needed during a real disaster. The Emergency Debris Management Center trains mobile workers, based on security requirements, on the apps they will use to perform assessments and debris removal operations.

A desktop computer displaying an Emergency Debris Management Center web browse


Key West collects assessments after hurricane

After Hurricane Irma hit Key West, Florida, the city collected damage assessments and monitored debris removal with GIS, expediting recovery.

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ArcGIS Solutions and products for debris management

Explore the ArcGIS Solution for Emergency Debris Management and other products to enhance debris management for emergency and disaster management.


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