Management and Operations

Secure and efficient elections happen with GIS

A city street map with routes shown in green, blue, and orange on a gray background, overlaid with a photo of a person on a city street using a mobile phone to view a list of polling sites

There's a strong correlation between how well government prepares for Election Day and the overall voter experience. Esri's election management system helps election officials maintain administrative areas, report wait times, manage voting center or polling place requests, monitor the day's performance, and measure voter sentiment.

Capabilities of GIS for management and operations

Request assistance and report wait times

Enable poll workers to update wait times or request assistance with a simple mobile application instead of inundating the phone lines. By eliminating phone calls and switching to apps, you can streamline the data into your election management system in an organized manner.

A graphic of a computer monitor displaying a city map with polling sites marked with scattered orange icons, beside a mobile phone displaying coordinating data

Dispatch help faster

Split-second decisions need to be made throughout an election. Organize issues systematically and in relation to where the nearest available help is on a live map. Quickly dispatch technicians and track the resolution of each request from beginning to end.

A graphic of a computer monitor displaying a city map beside a list of data point details

Provide a satisfying voter experience

One of the most crucial roles of an election official is listening to constituents and addressing concerns. Through a mobile web-based form solution, members of the public can provide voter sentiment and help determine their satisfaction. Pinpointing these variables and recording them into your election management system help officials to decide where to allocate more resources.

A graphic of a computer monitor displaying a map dashboard in dark gray with colorful graphs, beside a mobile phone displaying coordinating data

Monitor election operations

The media, public, and internal stakeholders look to election officials and operation managers for the latest information throughout Election Day. Use GIS to gather and calculate election-related metrics (e.g., wait times, voter satisfaction, number of issue requests) into a single web map dashboard. In return, confidently report on the overall election operation status to make more informed decisions and foster transparency among all stakeholders.

A graphic of a computer monitor displaying a map dashboard with eight election performance indicators in red and white on a gray background

Manage voting precinct data

Simplify how you inventory and maintain electoral districts, precincts, voting centers, drop boxes, and polling places before Election Day with GIS. Ensure each voter receives the appropriate ballot, validate candidate eligibility, and update voting records based on location for a successful election.

A graphic of a computer monitor displaying a map dashboard with a city map dotted with icons for polling places beside legends of coordinating data


Collecting ballots in King County, Washington

King County Elections uses GIS to easily coordinate a large team of drivers and track where ballots are in real-time.

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