
Aerial photo of a military base beside a river, with a small photo of three backlit figures in a dark room observing a map displayed on a large wall screen

Defense organizations use ArcGIS to enable joint all-domain operations and provide a data integration, analytics, and decision support framework for all warfighting functions. GIS infrastructure allows data to flow seamlessly from headquarters to individual service members. This data integration, analytics, and decision support framework support the following in a dynamic information environment:

  • Joint all-domain operations
  • Role-based applications
  • User-configurable views of data
  • Knowledge management


Integrating GIS across all warfighting functions

Operational environment

Commanders and staff use GIS to develop and maintain a comprehensive view of the operational environment. Staff are able to integrate information across all domains and collate input from all disciplines and functions. The operational environment is dynamic and impacted by complex factors that leaders can visualize and analyze throughout all phases of an operation.

A graphic of a computer monitor displaying an OSINT dashboard with a map, charts, and various points of information

Products for joint operations


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