Landscape Conservation

Conservation planning for 30x30

A relief map of a winding river overlaid with an aerial image of a bright green mangrove forest with blue river flowing through it

Unlock nature’s potential

GIS plays an essential role in designing and evaluating scenarios for conservation planning. The goal of the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework is to create a world where people live in harmony with nature. According to the framework, biodiversity should be valued, conserved, restored, and wisely used by 2050—maintaining ecosystem services, sustaining a healthy planet, and delivering benefits essential for all people.

A geographic approach to 30x30

ArcGIS enables area-based conservation planning across landscapes by integrating informative spatial data and analytics. Simple apps support landscape conservation initiative outreach.

An illustration of cloud-based software that integrates different kinds of data and has many capabilities

Landscape conservation solutions

Geospatial reference

Geospatial professionals from leading institutions publish their spatial data in ArcGIS Living Atlas of the World. This vast catalog of authoritative maps, apps, and data layers provides a global canvas for modeling landscape conservation scenarios.

Explore ArcGIS Living Atlas
A desktop computer monitor displaying a precipitation map of Texas

Washington Post

Maps guide solutions to the biodiversity crisis

Locating and measuring biodiversity with location-based technology informs intelligent conservation measures.

Read the article

Conservation Webinar Series

GIS for the Global Biodiversity Framework

This technical webinar series provides insights from Esri's spatial scientists on how to use actionable tools and workflows to establish a baseline of environmental conditions and quantify and track progress toward these targets.

Access the webinar recordings
A close photo of a colorful gecko clinging to a twig with tiny green leaves and a blurry green background


California's environmental initiative: 30x30

Jennifer Norris, Deputy Secretary for Biodiversity and Habitat at the California Natural Resources Agency, details California’s strategic work in meeting the objectives of the 30×30 program—the global initiative to preserve 30 percent of the planet’s lands and oceans by 2030. 

Access the podcast
A snow-covered mountain range beneath a clear blue sky with a brown desert plain in the foreground

Esri Conservation Program

For more than three decades, the Esri Conservation Program has provided technology and training assistance to conservation professionals around the globe.

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