Mike Cox

Mike Cox is the Director of Fire and EMS Solutions at Esri, where he advocates for geospatial technology in public safety and works collaboratively with GIS professionals to promote the broad use of Esri’s ArcGIS platform within fire and EMS. He has 27 years of experience in the Henrico County Fire Department and served on the Central Virginia All Hazard Incident Management Team.

Posts by this author
An International Effort to Reduce the Impacts of Urban Conflagrations and Wildfires

Explore key topics discussed during the symposium, shedding light on the challenges faced by fire agencies on both continents.

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IAFC Technology Summit International 2023 Focuses on Data Collection and Location Intelligence

IAFC TSI 2023 brought together public safety and technology professional to focus on best practices, data collection, and location intelligence.

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Key Takeaways from the US Fire Administrator’s Summit 2023

The US Fire Administrator’s Summit was a valuable opportunity for the public safety community to share experiences and learn from each other.

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IAFC FRI 2023 Embraces Technology for Fire and EMS Services

Esri was proud to support the IAFC Fire Rescue International conference and excited to share many exciting announcements unveiled at the event.

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Transforming Incident Response: Elevating Technology Functions in the National Incident Management System

DHS, FEMA, and CISA are transforming the way agencies address critical technology and communications needs during responses to major incidents.

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