Christopher Thomas

Christopher Thomas, Director of Government Markets on the Industry Solutions team at Esri team focused on state and local disciplines. He has over 30 years of experience working in and with national, state and local governments implementing technology. As a strategist and subject matter expert, Christopher works to identify emerging trends GIS can support.

Posts by this author
Can We Help Stop the Homeless Death Rate?

Location information streamlines solutions all governments can implement to combat homelessness.

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That’s a Wrap: Lessons Learned at the 2024 Esri Public Sector CIO Summit

This CIO summit was a unique experience filled with the networking, education, best practice sharing, and validation for Enterprise GIS.

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The More You Know, The More You’ll Want To Go

A brief history of the Esri CIO Summit showcases why this has been a can't-miss event for IT leaders for twelve years running.

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Enhancing Equity Across Public Works

Public works is responsible for key infrastructure that keeps a community running. Learn how they incorporate equity into their work with GIS.

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Elections Officials Must Stand Strong to Regain Trust in the Voting Process

Election officials must leverage tools to reestablish trust in the voting process.

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Who Will Be the First to Map Mental Health?

Understanding a complex issue starts with analyzing many datasets through one lens: a geographic one.

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Timbuktu Needs Broadband, Too

Broadband is a location problem. So naturally, GIS tools should help governments address this pressing issue.

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Does Anyone Care That There is ROI for Using GIS?

It is essential that you quantify and promote the return on investment (ROI) from using GIS. It will help you garner organizational support.

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A [Fill in the Blank] to Watch

The organizations that become the "ones to watch" are the ones who take action.

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