Anthony Schultz

Anthony Schultz is the Director of Wildland Fire Solutions at Esri. He has a background in wildland fire management and operations, having served in a variety of capacities, most recently as the Fire Management Officer (FMO) for the State of Wyoming. During his tenure in Wyoming, he served as chair of the Western State Fire Managers and was a Rocky Mountain Coordinating Group member. He has also served as an FMO with the State of North Dakota. Prior to becoming an FMO, he worked as a wildland firefighter the Bureau of Land Management, the National Park Service, and the US Fish and Wildlife Service.

Posts by this author
Get Ready for the 2024 Esri Safety Security Summit (ES3) & Users Conference (UC) in San Diego!

Esri’s User Conference promises to be a fantastic event and we've compiled a list of all things wildland fire to help you plan your visit.

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An International Effort to Reduce the Impacts of Urban Conflagrations and Wildfires

Explore key topics discussed during the symposium, shedding light on the challenges faced by fire agencies on both continents.

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Revolutionizing Evacuation Planning with Location Intelligence

Explore how Esri helps organizations approach challenges in wildland fire response, including communication and evacuation.

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Revolutionizing Evacuation Planning: Addressing the Challenges in Wildland Fire Response

Explore how Esri helps organizations approach challenges in wildland fire response, including communication and evacuation.

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From Paper to Pixels: Rethinking Community Wildfire Protection Plans

Learn about the importance of modernizing Community Wildfire Protection Plans (CWPPs) and how ArcGIS Hub is revolutionizing the planning process.

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GIS and Artificial Intelligence for Precise Damage Assessments

Explore how GIS and AI revolutionize damage assessments post-disasters like Lahaina's wildfires with Esri's deep learning model.

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Key Takeaways from the US Fire Administrator’s Summit 2023

The US Fire Administrator’s Summit was a valuable opportunity for the public safety community to share experiences and learn from each other.

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IAFC FRI 2023 Embraces Technology for Fire and EMS Services

Esri was proud to support the IAFC Fire Rescue International conference and excited to share many exciting announcements unveiled at the event.

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A Holistic Approach to Managing Wildland Fire Risk with ArcGIS

Explore how ArcGIS is used to manage wildland fire risk holistically, from preparedness to rehabilitation.

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