Community Development

What You Need to Know About The Esri Planning Directors Summit

On November 6 and 7, Esri will be hosting its inaugural Planning Directors Summit in West Palm Beach, Florida. The purpose of the summit is to give planning and community development directors in jurisdictions of all sizes the opportunity to learn from each other, as well as see how GIS is an essential component in the modern approach to comprehensive planning, resilience planning, housing policy, zoning reform, fiscal analysis, and more. This summit will provide an opportunity for planning directors to get together and discuss their challenges, their wins, their setbacks, and their vision. One of the prevailing strengths of the Esri user community has been the enduring aspect of community…the occasions to share stories and learn from one another, and the Esri Planning Directors Summit provides a similar possibility for leaders in planning and housing.

The Kickoff

The summit will open with a keynote presentation from Joel Albizo, CEO of the American Planning Association. I have seen Joel give similar keynote presentations to APA state chapter events. He does an excellent job at connecting with the audience, discussing the challenges facing the planning community, and APA’s vision for meeting those challenges.

Following the keynote, we will have a panel discussion where Joel will field questions from the audience. If you’ve ever wanted to ask APA leadership a question, this is your opportunity to do so.

Learning Sessions

Through the two-day summit, there will be over a dozen sessions presented by other planning professionals discussing a wide range of projects, including:

And in all of these, our presenters will show how GIS is an integral part of each project. The goal is not to make the attendees fluent in the use of GIS. No one is going home an expert in ArcGIS Pro. Rather the goal is to see the big picture about where GIS plugs in as a mission-critical system in planning and housing projects.

The agenda is a single track with brief (25-minute) presentations. In addition, we will also have plenty of opportunities with several networking breaks to bounce ideas off one another, as well as a few panel discussions where attendees can ask questions and take a deeper dive into the projects.

Informative Updates

Within the agenda, there will be additional updates from key personnel from APA and Esri. Jason Jordan, Principal of Policy and Public Affairs at APA, will provide an essential legislative update and outline APA’s strategic approach to outreach. Zhenia Dulko manages the Foresight Program at APA. Zhenia’s presentation will likely enlighten you about this innovative and essential program at APA.

From Esri, Silvia Casas, Product Manager for ArcGIS Urban, will provide a technology overview of GIS as a tool for planners to compose multiple development and land-use scenarios for their community. Christine Ma from our Professional Services team will highlight some recently completed and ongoing projects where GIS is being used in key planning initiatives. This is a great opportunity to get additional ideas about what can be done in your community.

Last, and certainly not least, one of our most prolific partners in the modern integration of geospatial technology and planning, Houseal-Lavigne, will highlight their approach to implementing and leveraging the digital twin in all things planning. This is a must see!

And Finally…

Mixed in to the agenda, we will have a hosted lunch each day and an evening reception on the lawn on Wednesday night. The Esri Planning Directors Summit was put together to give leadership in planning and housing an opportunity to learn from each other, share stories (good and bad), and hopefully leave with a broader vision about how GIS is an integral part of what they want to accomplish. If you’re interested in requesting to attend, click here.

We hope to see you in West Palm Beach in November!

About the author

Keith Cooke is the Director of Planning & Community Development Markets at Esri. A graduate of Auburn University, he has been a GIS professional since 1994 and has worked for planning and community development agencies at the regional and municipal level. Prior to this role, he was an account executive at Esri for 15 years working with over 100 local governments. He is a frequent speaker at GIS, community planning, and economic development events and is an active member in the American Planning Association, where he has conducted nearly 100 hands-on GIS workshops for planners since 2004 at the National Planning Conference and state chapter conferences.


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