Water Resources

Get to Know Esri's Water Team

Esri’s Water Team has changed a little so I thought it would be good to introduce or reintroduce the team.

We focus on all things water: water utilities (water distribution, wastewater, stormwater, irrigation), water resources and everything in between. We work with colleagues across Esri (solutions, professional services, product and more) to provide the best support for our customers and partners.

Since our team is large, including staff across various divisions at Esri, I’ve decided to provide a few key contacts. We will do our best to answer your questions or connect you with someone who can.

Christa Campbell Director, Industry Solutions Water (CCampbell@esri.com)

Contact Christa if you have questions about industry strategy, water team initiatives, collaboration, and success stories.

Christa leads Esri’s water industry team supporting customers and partners across water utilities and water resources organizations. Her experience, prior to joining Esri, includes implementing GIS workflows and technology, development of water system plans, and support of Information Technology initiatives. She is a certified GIS Professional and holds a graduate degree in Geography.

Mariah Salazar – Lead Marketing Manager, Infrastructure (MSalazar@esri.com)

Contact Mariah to learn more about water team marketing: marketing initiatives, industry web pages, events, webinars, and user group meetings.

Mariah is the Marketing Manager for the Esri water team. She supports customers, business development and partners with marketing, promotion and events. She has a BS in Anthropology and an MBA and Post Graduate diploma in Business Management from UC Riverside.

David Wachal – Director, Global Business Development (DWachal@esri.com)

Contact Dave if you have questions about strategic sales initiatives.

David Wachal serves as the Director of the Water Sector at Esri. The Water Sector team works with utilities around the world to align GIS technology with organizational need. The team supports efforts to deploy solutions that save time, connect systems and people, and help deliver the highest quality of service to utility customers.

Dawn Caravallo – Senior Partner Manager (DCaravallo@esri.com)

Contact Dawn if you have questions about partnering with Esri with solutions or services.

Dawn is results-oriented, approaching challenges with the end goal in mind. In her role as a Senior Partner Manger, she builds productive and profitable working relationships by establishing positive, professional connections with key personnel. Dawn has been supporting water industry partners since 2002.

Mark Robbins – Global Sales Manager, Infrastructure (MRobbins@esri.com)

Contact Mark if you have questions about sales enablement or opportunities outside of the United States.

Mark is the International Team Lead for Utilities, Telecom & Water business development at Esri. The international team consists of dedicated professionals supporting the use of geospatial technologies in the management of water, electric, and gas utilities as well as telecom companies. Mark and the team help executives to establish a vision for geospatial solutions that directly support the mission of their utility. They also work closely with Esri’s international Distributors on business development opportunities in strategic organizations. Mark has been at Esri for over 16 years.

Derek Lorbiecki – Senior Manager, Global Business Development, Water (DLorbiecki@esri.com)

Contact Derek to collaborate on sales opportunities.

Derek Lorbiecki leads our business development team with a focus on helping water, wastewater, and stormwater utilities, authorities, and investor-owned utilities leverage location to optimize their operations. Derek has spent more than 20 years in the GIS industry working with utilities, county, and city governments helping implement GIS and location technology across operations, municipal government management, and public safety. Derek has BA degrees in Geography & Criminal Justice from the University of Wisconsin – Platteville, and a Graduate Certificate in GIS for Urban Planning from the University of Wisconsin – Milwaukee.

Brittany Metz – Manager, Global Business Development, Water (BMetz@esri.com)

Contact Brittany to collaborate on sales opportunities in the small to medium utility market.

Brittany Metz leads the Mid-Market team for Esri’s Global Water Practice. This team is focused on helping small to medium sized water, wastewater, stormwater, and other regional water agencies apply location technology to improve workflow and efficiency across the organization. Brittany has been at Esri for over 9 years. She graduated from the University of Colorado with degrees in Geography and Geology. Brittany helps ensure the success of water, wastewater, storm water, and water resources organizations by aligning GIS technology to help solve common challenges that occur in the water industry.

Esri Water Team Photos
Esri Water Team Photos

About the author

Christa Campbell

Christa is an experienced water industry professional with 20 years of success using and promoting technology to solve problems in the water industry. Recognized for Industry thought leadership, strategic thinking, and building success with organizations across the globe. She is a passionate GIS advocate, lifelong learner and collaborator. Builds success jointly with teammates, peers, and customers. Christa is a certified GIS Professional and holds a graduate degree in Geography.


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