Geography and Society

A geographic approach helps mission-driven organizations run efficiently and equitably so they can maximize their positive impact.

How does a geographic approach benefit society?

Geography and society are intimately connected. People working to address our most important challenges, such as sustainability, public health, equity, and conservation, use a geographic approach to better understand those issues and manage their operations through one common language—location.

Organizations can use enterprise-grade geographic information system (GIS) technology to identify areas of need, operate efficiently, and communicate purpose.

A map showing the locations of food bank partners and a woman serving food

Maximize efficiency to have the greatest impact

Beyond analyzing issues of geography and society, humanitarian organizations can apply a geographic approach to operations to improve results. Seamlessly integrating location data with business systems, programs, and activities provides awareness of what is happening where.

  • Find vulnerabilities, disparities, risks, and opportunities. 
  • Pinpoint where to focus limited resources.
  • Measure and optimize program impact.
  • Engage stakeholders and donors with map-based storytelling.
A map of humanitarian aid delivery routes in Africa

Toward a more equitable world

A geographic approach can help organizations address issues of societal inequity and operate equitably themselves. Organizations can use mapping tools and authoritative geospatial data to visualize and analyze population variables such as race and ethnicity, internet access, income level, and disability status.

  • Identify where inequity issues exist.
  • Design and plan equitable resource allocation.
  • Track and measure the impact of actions.
  • Communicate the status and progress of initiatives.
A map of New York showing income extremes

Contact us

Find out how a geographic approach can elevate your organization's work.