Health and Human Services

Align funding programs with your health GIS initiatives

A photo of three children in colorful summer clothes bicycling on a sunny, tree-lined park path, overlaid with a map in blue and white scattered with red icons

Seize the opportunity to strengthen services

Currently available health and human services funding provides organizations with a massive opportunity to invest in and advance the use of technology. ArcGIS, as an enterprise technology, is a mission-critical system for performing spatial analysis and mapping, making data-driven decisions, monitoring against benchmarks, and ultimately improving equity and health outcomes.

Areas that GIS can support

Modernize public health preparedness and pandemic response

From COVID-19 response and recovery to increased resilience for facing the next crisis, GIS can help. Location awareness is essential to the architecture and infrastructure of a preparedness and response system and supports agencies with the following tasks:

  • Assessing risk and evaluating threats
  • Monitoring and tracking hazards and disease outbreaks
  • Maintaining situational awareness
  • Assessing surge potential and forecasting capacity needs
  • Ensuring equitable and accessible resource allocation
  • Identifying and supporting vulnerable populations
  • Communicating across stakeholder organizations and communities
More on health preparedness
A map dashboard in red and black, overlaid with a photo of a red and white ambulance driving down a city street

Help those most in need

Challenging issues such as homelessness; drug addiction, including the opioid epidemic; and food insecurity have only worsened during the pandemic. Having a spatial understanding of how these crises impact your community is key to making data-driven decisions about where to prioritize resources. GIS provides capabilities enabling the following:

  • Geographic data collection, organization, and management 
  • Root-cause analysis
  • Real-time information updates
  • Self-service apps the public can use to connect to community resources
  • Communication that combats stigma and increases engagement
More on humans in crisis
A concentration map with blue points on a beige background, overlaid with a closeup photo of gloved hands serving soup to another pair of hands

Identify and solve for gaps

GIS technology helps uncover the social, racial, economic, and physical barriers to accessing health care and health-promoting services. Information that includes highly accurate travel times and distances is essential to ensure that no one falls through the cracks. Leverage GIS to

  • Map people, providers, and programs.
  • Calculate travel time and distance across multiple modes of travel and over various times of day.
  • Test potential interventions for impact.
More on access to care
A map in red and blue on a black background, overlaid with a photo of a nurse in pink scrubs shaking hands with a seated woman in a brightly lit office

Make smarter decisions with geographic knowledge

Health organizations are mission oriented and focused on preserving the length and quality of life for all. In addition to this overwhelming charge, they must also carefully control limited resources. GIS supports evidence-based planning to improve operations, manage assets, and chart goals for the future. Creating that future relies on possessing a clear understanding of demographic trends, knowing a way to handle complexity to make wise capital expenditures, using a balanced approach to territories and catchments, and having location-based infographics at your fingertips.

More on strategic planning
A blue and white city map with scattered red points, overlaid with a photo of two professionally dressed people sharing and discussing a computer screen in a brightly lit office

Address social and racial determinants of health

Everything about applying the geographic approach to health speaks to improving equity, including increasing access to care and services, performing gap analysis, and allocating resources based on need. A location-based strategy can help you assess health locally; analyze trends and anticipate future needs; share information with the public and solicit feedback; monitor performance against goals; respond to issues in real time; and, ultimately, achieve health equity.

More on health equity
A beige concentration map scattered with red points, overlaid with a photo of a woman in blue sitting in a brightly lit living room, embracing a child wrapped in a blanket as she reads a thermometer in her hand

Products for your health GIS initiatives


Available funding programs

Explore health and human services funding opportunities that can support your GIS investment to meet public health, human services, and health-care organization needs.

Request direct funds

Health and Human Services Grant Opportunities

The US Department of Health & Human Services provides guidance for coronavirus-related funding. Through the American Rescue Plan, many programs are hyperfunded.

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SAMHSA Funding Opportunities

Addiction to substances is on the rise and the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) has numerous grants to support a course correction in the US.

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Health Centers and Underserved Communities Support

These funds, administered through Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA), are focused on strengthening infrastructure to advance equity and improve outcomes.

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Capital Projects Fund for Tribal Governments

This funding will be aimed at ensuring all communities have access to high-quality infrastructure, including broadband, to access critical services. Apply by June 2022.

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Insight on how to use federal funding

  • A concentration map with bright blue points on a blue and black background

    Using GIS to help people experiencing homelessness

    The City of Modesto received $3.8 million in Emergency Solutions Grants Program funds from the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act to help address homelessness. With this additional funding, the city engaged with unsheltered individuals and built relationships with them to provide immediate support.

  • A closeup photo in black and white of the corner of a one hundred dollar bill

    Health GIS initiatives that align with federal funding programs

    Identify programs where GIS could be useful so that you can advance your organizational mission and take advantage of current federal investments in the health sector.

  • A closeup photo of a segment of the US flag, showing a portion of white stars on a blue background and a portion of red and white stripes

    Your quick guide to securing ARP Act funding for your health GIS strategies

    Understand how to take advantage of American Rescue Plan (ARP) Act funding to invest in your GIS infrastructure and improve health workflows.


Additional funded areas

Explore how Esri technology aligns with other funding objectives.


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