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ArcGIS Platform

ArcGIS Platform

Data hosting service pricing changes

A collage of illustrations and images, including a blue map marker, many circular images of different maps, and security infrastructure

Upcoming data hosting service release

The data hosting capability will be released into general availability on November 1, 2023. With this release, bandwidth utilization fees will be included alongside existing data storage fees. Free tier allocations for this service will be modified. The complete pricing and business model information is shown below and will take effect on November 1, 2023.

Details about pricing changes

ArcGIS Platform data hosting capabilities allow for storage and usage (bandwidth) of tiles, files, attachments, and features. A tile generation capability is included. While storage pricing stays the same, there is now a price for usage. Additionally, the existing free tiers have been updated and new free tiers have been added.




Free tier (per month)

Tiles, data files, and attachmentsStorage$0.012 per 100 MB100 MB
Usage$0.12 per MB (raster & vector)25 MB
FeaturesStorage$2.40 per 100 MB
100 MB

$0.15 per MB for feature queries
$0.45 per MB for feature edit

15 MB for feature queries
5 MB for feature edits

Tile generationUsage$0.12 per 1,000 tiles25,000 published tiles

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