Empowering photogrammetry

City and countrywide aerial mapping

A desktop display with a full screen image of a large, regal building abutting a river surrounded by trees with changing leaves

SURE for ArcGIS is a surface reconstruction software that empowers you to create photo-realistic models of reality. It accommodates aerial mapping projects that use datasets captured with large-frame nadir and oblique cameras, as well as hybrid systems with lidar sensors. Without limitation in image resolution, you can produce 3D meshes, true orthophotos and point clouds on common workstation hardware, and cluster environments. SURE is simple to set up and operate and is compliant with mapping industry standards.

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Create accurate real-world depictions

Leverage your data as reality capture for large construction sites, cityscapes, and entire regions. Accurately process large extents and high volumes of images in a photogrammetry workflow that's as simple as you want and as advanced as you need.


Use cases

Automate the processing of high-resolution 3D data for cadastral mapping, smart cities, infrastructure assessment, change detection, and more. SURE offers a robust production engine, transforming imagery and lidar data into point clouds, 2.5D and 3D meshes, and true orthophotos.


Elevate your production workflow

Computer monitor displaying a multicolored 3D city image next to six icons representing different types of input files

Fully automatic production workflow

Import images or lidar files to generate DSMs, true orthophotos, and 3D meshes automatically. No manual seamline editing or expert knowledge required.

Region of interest definition

Take control of the time and efficiency of your production. Import shapefiles for water bodies, areas of interest, and surface correction.

Efficiently visualize large datasets

Benefit from optimized level-of-detail and streaming formats for web visualization.

Web app

Experience the power of surface reconstruction

Switch between high-quality outputs like point clouds, 3D mesh, and true orthophotos. Use tools like daylight and visibility analysis or measurements.

Explore the city of Munich

Access all your 3D content in one place

Add the context of location by bringing together your geospatial data with true orthophotos, 3D meshes, and other 3D content directly within ArcGIS. Enable users to access content securely from desktop, web, and mobile applications.

Quickly move from processing to analysis

Quickly move from processing to analysis

Conduct better asset management, site analysis, and condition assessment by analyzing 3D reality capture models in a GIS analysis experience or a customized ArcGIS web or mobile app.

Conduct analysis and gain insights

Conduct analysis and gain insights

Obtain greater 3D insights for city and regional planning by understanding the landscape and urban context. Enable viewers to compare how conditions have changed over time, seeing them in high resolution.

ArcGIS solutions for reality mapping

ArcGIS solutions for reality mapping

ArcGIS solutions are available for reality capture from drone or aircraft. Use professional photogrammetry workflows on desktop or software as a service (SaaS). Create high-quality 2.5D and 3D models according to your needs.

Explore mapping with imagery

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