blueish-purple background with wavy lines on the right side

Data Providers and Sources

Connect to a variety of real-time data providers from trusted Esri partners or your own vendors and systems

Leverage real-time geospatial data

Take advantage of information from real-time geospatial data providers. Discover real-time data streams from Esri partners or bring data from your own vendors. Use the power of space and time to integrate information from disparate systems for better decision-making.


Other data providers and sources

Light up your maps and dashboards with real-time data from your own vendors or open sources. These providers enable access to data through compatible APIs, message brokers, or IoT event hubs. Contact us to learn how to integrate these or other real-time data sources into ArcGIS.


Contact sales

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7:00 a.m.–5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday (PT)

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