Get Started with R-ArcGIS Bridge

R-ArcGIS Bridge is a powerful framework that you can use to solve complex problems by combining cutting-edge statistical models with R and ArcGIS for spatial data access, visualization, and analysis. Learn how you can get started with the following options.

Bridge the worlds of R and ArcGIS

Available with ArcGIS Pro

R-ArcGIS Bridge offers you the ability to tap directly into R from your current ArcGIS Pro project, allowing you to meet your analysis needs as they arise. 

Get started with these steps: 

  1. Install R. 
  2. Download and install {arcgisbinding} using the geoprocessing tab in the Options dialog box in ArcGIS Pro.
  3. Create R script analysis tools.
Install R
Learn about R-ArcGIS support

Use ArcGIS location services from R

Interact with ArcGIS location services seamlessly from R using the {arcgis} package. From your integrated development environment (IDE), you can read, modify, and write data services hosted on ArcGIS Online and ArcGIS Enterprise.

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A computer monitor displaying lines of code overlaid with a blue hexagon with two arrows pointing in different directions

RStudio Integration

R-ArcGIS Bridge can also be leveraged in RStudio, a popular integrated development environment (IDE). Get started with these steps: 

  1. Install R and RStudio.
  2. Download and install {arcgisbinding} using the geoprocessing tab in the Options dialog box in ArcGIS Pro.
  3. Load {arcgisbinding} into RStudio and start performing analysis.
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Frequently asked questions

You can get R-ArcGIS Bridge with ArcGIS Pro and can leverage it in a multitude of ways, depending on your environment preference. If you are using ArcGIS Pro and already have R installed on your machine, the easiest way to set R-ArcGIS Bridge up is through the R-ArcGIS Integration tab under geoprocessing options. If you are using ArcGIS Pro but do not have R installed and need to have a separate environment for your R analyses, you can create an R environment through Conda Package Manager and the r-arcgis-essentials package.

The R language provides over 15,000 packages that implement both niche analytical packages and general-purpose statistical libraries. With regard to spatial analysis, the R language contains a large number of packages for managing, analyzing, and visualizing spatial data.

Yes, you can deploy script tools driven by R-ArcGIS Bridge as a geoprocessing service within ArcGIS Server. Find detailed steps here -

You will need ArcGIS Pro installed with a valid license. You will also need the {arcgisbinding} package, which can be obtained via the R-ArcGIS Bridge tab in the ArcGIS Pro geoprocessing options or from an R prompt with install.packages("arcgisbinding", repos =, type = "win.binary").

The Microsoft Data Science Virtual Machine (DSVM) comes with ArcGIS Pro. If you have a valid license, you can use R-ArcGIS Bridge in these cloud environments.

Through our Conda integration, we facilitate using the reticulate library to call geoprocessing tools from R. Remember that certain tools require checking out licenses with the CheckOutExtension function of ArcPy, which can also be called from R via the reticulate library.

After data is brought into R via or arc.raster, you can convert the data into the corresponding R format via arc.data2sf, arc.data2sp, or as.raster functions. After the conversion, full dplyr functionality is available on the spatial dataset.

Commonly used environment settings include Workspace, which controls the default location for geoprocessing tool inputs and outputs. R-ArcGIS Bridge can work with other environment settings, as detailed in this link:

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