Taking Water Utilities to the Next Level

Gain efficiencies with powerful analytics

Find critical answers in your data

ArcGIS Insights is a web-based, data analytics workbench where you can explore spatial and non-spatial data.

Create valuable information out of your data

Discover trends and patterns in your operations, evaluate assets for planning, and better understand your customers.

  • A man using a tablet to analysis data trends on a map.

    Transform your operations

    Identify hidden problems and evaluate trends to proactively prioritize activities. Evaluate your performance indicators with data analysis.
  • A waterline pipe with valve shut off.

    Evaluate assets for planning

    Through powerful visualization, quickly characterize asset performance. Build and improve capital scenarios by analyzing historical information.
  • A man reviewing data patterns on his desktop computer.

    Better understand your customers

    Evaluate your customer consumption patterns. Discover behaviors such as water usage, conservation, rebates, delinquencies, and payments.

Explore, analyze, iterate

With ArcGIS Insights, you can quickly discover the secrets your data holds. Visualize, analyze, and tell your story like never before.

Discover trends and patterns

Through the power of tying your non-spatial data to your spatial data, you can begin to answer questions based off data coming from multiple sources and business systems.

Create charts, graphs and reports that will save time and improve decision making.

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Spatial analysis

Aggregate your spatial data to quickly create new, rich datasets. Gain new discoveries about our data, through card interactivity. Linked cards allow you to click on a chart and see related data light up on another card.

Enrich data with facts about people & places

Rich analysis often extends beyond variables within your data and organization. In this example, we enrich your analysis with demographic data.

Bring together different data sources

ArcGIS Enterprise

Insights empowers you to integrate and analyze data from ArcGIS Enterprise including ArcGIS demographic data, geodatabases, and Living Atlas content.

Other systems

Insights connects to enterprise databases such as SQL Server, SAP HANA, Teradata, Oracle, Hadoop, and GE Smallworld, as wells as excel spreadsheets.


Visualize hot spots

Conduct density analysis to discover problem areas

Learn how

Contact us to get started

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