
View and analyze the earth with authoritative imagery and raster data

Computer generated image of land and an ocean

Access authoritative imagery from Esri and our extensive governmental and commercial partner network. Made available via ArcGIS Living Atlas of the World, Esri's curated imagery collection includes high-performance visualization services and dynamic earth observation and analysis services. From localized urban planning to tracking global changes, apply Esri's ready-to-use imagery to your visualization and analysis workflows to maximize context, information, and insights.

Create a foundation with imagery basemaps

Tap into Esri's collection of imagery basemaps for high-performance visualization and geographic context. Access the most recent, high-quality imagery within the World Imagery map—leverage desaturated Firefly imagery for overlaying and highlighting brightly styled feature layers, uncover past versions of World Imagery with Wayback, and more. 

Laptop displaying basemap with land and water

Integrate open satellite, aerial, and drone imagery

Elevate your GIS projects by incorporating open imagery into ArcGIS. Use it for advanced analysis, reality mapping, and seamless sharing and collaboration. Whether you need high-resolution aerial imagery for detailed analysis, frequent updates for real-time monitoring, or satellite imagery for large or remote areas, Esri provides the imagery you need.

Computer monitor showing satellite imagery

Use premium commercial imagery in ArcGIS

Complement open imagery with premium commercial content using SkyWatch’s Content Store for ArcGIS. This app gives you access to high-quality, current imagery from a growing collection of providers. Discover, purchase, and integrate imagery with expanded data coverage and more frequent revisits, and target specific areas of interest.

Explore premium imagery
Satellite imagery displaying roadway data from the city of Toronto, Canada, overlaid with a satellite image of green land

Data sources



Wayback Imagery App

Access more than 100 different versions of World Imagery archived over the past five years.

Explore the app

Interested in imagery and remote sensing?

Begin visualizing, exploring, and analyzing imagery and raster data.

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