ArcGIS Survey123 Community Gallery

Feature a form in ArcGIS Survey123

Submit your form
A man and woman working on a laptop next to inset images of an environmental report and a school of fish in the ocean

Get access to templates and share your forms

The ArcGIS Survey123 community showcases powerful, location-based data collection form templates within Survey123 Connect and the Survey123 web designer. Inspire others with your innovative designs and explore examples from others in your community or industry to help jumpstart your work.

Community examples

A variety of data collection templates are available in the ArcGIS Survey123 community to help you create your next form. Explore different layouts, learn how others collect data, and apply the concepts to your own organization.

Submit your form to the Survey123 community


Prepare your submission

To ensure your form can be considered as a template, please include the following before submitting it for review.


Frequently asked questions

All surveys made with ArcGIS Survey123 are eligible for submission in the gallery. However, forms built using Survey123 Connect or the Survey123 web designer, will only be available within their respective Survey123 community galleries. 

If you have permission to submit a survey made for your organization by someone else, then you can submit it. We recommend giving the original creator recognition in the survey’s description. 

When submitting your survey, you can choose to have a Creative Commons Attribution license (CC BY) or you can dedicate your survey to the public domain by selecting the Creative Commons Zero (CC0) option. The license will be added to the template’s item details. 

All types of surveys are welcome in the gallery as a template. We just ask you to properly prepare your form for submission.  See the previous section, “prepare your submission,” for details.

When you start a new survey in ArcGIS Survey123 Connect, simply select “New survey” then the “Community” option to view the gallery of examples. All approved survey submissions will appear here. When making a new survey in ArcGIS Survey123 web designer, select “Template survey” then the “Community” option to view the gallery of examples.

Yes, the community samples should appear when using ArcGIS Enterprise provided the organization is public facing (i.e., accessible on the internet).

If you have a question or would like to give feedback about a survey in the community, please complete this feedback form.

Submit your survey

Complete the submission form