Xiaoliuqiu, Sea Turtles, and Us
To learn more about the winning stories, visit the ArcGIS StoryMaps blog. Visit the challenge story collection to explore the work of all 18 finalists.
For the annual ArcGIS StoryMaps competition, Esri and the National Geographic Society teamed up to host the 2021 ArcGIS StoryMaps Challenge for Restoring Our Ocean.
The global challenge encouraged storytellers to create impactful stories about ocean health and conservation. Story submissions from over 20 countries addressed pressing issues for our ocean and the planet—from plastic pollution and wildlife protection to the blue economy.
Guest judges selected first-, second-, and third-place winners in a track for high school students and a track for college students and young professionals, featured below. And you selected the first-ever ArcGIS StoryMaps People's Choice Award winner, Yamuna: Froth For Tears.
Congratulations to our inspiring storytellers.
Photo by Manu San Felix, National Geographic
High school students ages 14–18 from around the globe competed for top storyteller in this track.
Xiaoliuqiu, Sea Turtles, and Us
Treasures of the Deep
An Altered Arctic
College students and young professionals ages 18–24 from around the globe competed for top storyteller in this track.
The Tale of Lost Fishing Gear
Healing the Scars of the Land
Seagrass: A unique perspective
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