ArcGIS Python Libraries

ArcGIS Python Libraries

Python for spatial data science

A graphic of a monitor displaying a map of the United States in gray with routes shown in yellow and red, overlaid with small maps and bits of code shaded yellow and orange

The ArcGIS Python libraries are Python packages that include ArcPy and ArcGIS API for Python. Using the ArcGIS Python libraries, you can convert and manage geographic data, automate spatial workflows, perform advanced spatial analytics, and build models for spatial machine learning and deep learning. Whether you are building prototypes of an analytical model or developing a large-scale application, you can solve complex problems quickly, with seamless integration with your favorite open-source packages and frameworks.

Why tap into the ArcGIS Python libraries?

Spatially represent your data

Given that 80 percent of all data contains location as a variable, you can use the ArcGIS Python libraries to represent and visualize your data on a map, giving it context and making it relative to space and time.

Access and enrich your data

Access your organization's spatial data via Python and enrich it with curated datasets compiled by an expert team of cartographers, statisticians, and demographers. Read spatial data from file and enterprise geodatabases as well as web layers (feature services and map services) across the entire ArcGIS ecosystem.

See trends and patterns and share results

Use the ArcGIS Python libraries to go beyond the proximity of points on a map and tell meaningful stories with your data. Find clusters, quantify data relationships, and create information products to share your insights with others.

Spatial machine learning and deep learning

Build models with high spatial precision by using spatial machine learning and deep learning methods that incorporate geography directly into their computation. This includes the shape, density, contiguity, distribution, and proximity of your data.

Align your spatial data

Take advantage of the robust projection capabilities and the intuitive geometry engine and services made available via the ArcGIS Python libraries. These capabilities let you accurately represent and analyze your spatial datasets in any coordinate system.

Automate the repetitive

Automate repetitive spatial workflows by writing Python-based scripts to save time and find efficiencies. Use ArcPy or ArcGIS API for Python to administer your portal, users, and servers and manage your local and web content. Productize and share your analytical outputs.

Python across the ArcGIS platform

With its widespread use and popularity, Python is the preferred language within ArcGIS and continues to evolve. It is prevalent throughout the ArcGIS platform and encompasses a broad analytical framework that interoperates with the larger open-source ecosystem.



Digitizing Winter Storm Ulmer's Impact in Nebraska

Learn about how Nebraska Department of Natural Resources digitized flooded areas and quantified the magnitude of damage by using Python and Jupyter.

See the story

Get started with the ArcGIS Python libraries

Get started with ArcPy

Learn about ArcPy, a comprehensive and powerful library for spatial analysis, data management, and data conversion.

Get started

Get started with ArcGIS API for Python

Start using ArcGIS API for Python, a simple and lightweight library for analyzing spatial data, managing your Web GIS, and performing spatial data science.

Get started

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