
A comprehensive set of advanced routing tools to meet your business needs

Three digital maps including one with routes highlighted in green and another with routes highlighted in red and yellow

Find routes and get directions

Find the quickest or shortest routes based on time and/or distance. Solve for two stop locations or create a sequence that puts multiple stops in the best order. Build these routes with live or historical traffic data. Generate turn-by-turn directions as you travel on a route. Track progress information relative to the next stop or maneuver or along the entire route. Get guidance for navigation as needed; for example, when approaching a maneuver. Quickly recalculate routes if the device location goes off route.

Map of Pacific Northwest region of US next to a closeup of a map and GPS directions

Find optimized routes

Get optimized routes for the quickest or shortest route with two or more stops. Take into account real-world constraints such as traffic feeds, U-turns, road barriers, incidents, and maximum permitted vehicle height.

Explore synchronous routes
Explore asynchronous routes
Street map of Hollywood and Los Angeles next to a black map with routes highlighted in hot pink

Route multiple vehicles

Given a set of work locations with multiple stops and a fleet of vehicles, determine what stops should be serviced by each route and in what sequence. Minimize the overall operating cost for the entire fleet while considering real-world constraints.

Map of San Diego with routes highlighted in green, purple, and blue next to a closeup image of east San Diego

Create origin-destination matrices

The origin-destination cost matrix produces a distance table showing least-cost paths along the network from many origins to many destinations. The cost values reflect the network distance.

Street map of a region in San Francisco with routes highlighted in green and scattered circular icons of a shopping bag

Generate service areas

A network service area or a trade area is a region that can be reached from a location within a specific travel time or distance. Once service areas or trade areas are created, you can use them to identify things like what market areas a business covers or which houses are within five minutes of a fire station.

Map of the midwestern region of the US with areas highlighted in yellow, green, and pink and various city names

Find closest facilities

Measure the cost of traveling between facilities to determine which is the closest. Identify which branch the potential customer should visit to minimize travel time or which ambulance or patrol car can respond fastest to an incident. Specify how many facilities to find and whether the direction of travel is toward or away from the facility.

Street map of a city in New York

Find the best location for your business

Find a location that keeps costs low and accessibility high to maximize profits and ensure high-quality service. Often referred to as location-allocation, this analysis considers facilities that provide goods and services and where those goods and services are consumed.

Two street maps with circular icons of a shopping cart, data points, and starburst lines shooting in multiple directions

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