ArcGIS Infographics Add-In

An extension for ArcMap

Get area facts with clean, clear infographics

Gain greater insights about a location by adding infographics to your ArcMap projects.

These small, dynamic charts and reports, which display as pop ups on your map, can help you answer questions such as:

  • How many households are in an evacuation zone?
  • What is the average household size in a ZIP Code?
  • Does a proposed location have enough people to justify the grant application?
  • How much of an area contains wetlands?
  • What types of neighborhoods are within 10 minutes of a site?
  • How much is an area spending on groceries?

Find out about available data from around the world.

System requirements

  • ArcMap 10.2 or Newer
  • ArcGIS Online for Organizations subscription
  • It is recommended to delete any previous version of the ArcGIS Infographics Add-In via the ArcGIS Add-In Manager


This free add in to ArcMap consumes ArcGIS Online credits. View our Service Credits Estimator.

Get started

  1. Download the Add-In
  2. Double click on the "ArcGIS_IG_Addin.esriAddIn" file to install the Add-In
  3. View the Add-In in ArcMap

Common questions

  • Infographic support for the latest generation of Tapestry Segmentation. Find the top-3 segments at any location. The 2015 release of Tapestry Segmentation classifies neighborhoods into 67 unique segments based not only on demographics but also socioeconomic characteristics.
  • Save your infographic as a layer - Infographics can now be saved locally as feature classes for easy accessibility into ArcMap. The variables included in the Infographic are downloaded to the saved feature class attribute table. All saved Infographic feature classes are stored in your Default Geodatabase.
  • Save your Infographic custom configurations independently to an MXD - Custom settings are now MXD specific, such as drive times or Infographic variables.
  • Reset your settings - Return to your original Infographics settings under Configure > Reset to Default.

Yes. Locations (click on the map) and features (any point, line, polygon) are supported. Locations can be customized for drive times, drive distance, and rings.

Yes. Infographics display the default name field in a layer. In the Layer Properties, find the Display tab, then select the desired Field under Display Expression.

Yes. In ArcMap under Customize > Style Manager, you can change the symbol in the Infographics Symbol.

Yes. Infographic types can be controlled thru the Configure window.

Yes. Infographic variables can be controlled thru the Configure window.

Yes. Infographics use the online GeoEnrichment service available for these countries.

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