
Space Planning and Management

A complete space planning and reservations system for more efficient space utilization

Indoor space planning and management map showing office spaces and classifications within a building floor.

Intelligent space planning, management, and reservation leverages a complete indoor geospatial system that includes facilities status and data, employee data, and other data sources to produce space-use analytics and enable office hoteling or room booking.

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What is a space management system?

A comprehensive space management system is a set of focused apps used in work space planning and office hoteling. The first step is creating a space inventory that allows for all real estate to be monitored and analyzed. It can be used for move management, intelligent facilities decision-making, and hybrid workplace development.


Manage a hybrid workplace with office space planning

Today's work spaces need a more connected, tech-forward approach to meet the demands of the evolving workplace. Intelligent office space planning is the process of collecting numerous data points about space usage, occupancy, allocation, amenities, and more in a digital system of record to make informed decisions that improve staff experience and reduce cost. Part of smart space planning is office hoteling—the temporary reservation of shared work spaces—a common practice now that many employees work from both home and in-office. Using space management software makes managing and planning for space allocation scalable. 

Start office space planning
Executive showing his team a campus map with an indoor space planning interface and dashboard to plan space use

Space planning for a sustainable work environment

Analytical, location-based space planning and management technology delivers comprehensive, accurate visibility into how your organization uses the physical space you occupy. As our use of spaces evolves to deal with the future of hybrid work, effectively managing and planning space is vital. Successful planning uses dynamic spaces that optimize unused areas for greater adaptability. Understanding this and the factors that impact utilization—and using that knowledge to make confident, informed decisions about operations—creates a more sustainable future.

Start planning your space
Two men looking at a computer screen showing a blue and pink map representing GIS data for indoor space planning


Meeting the New Need for Workplace Wellness

The workplace landscape has changed. Discover how smart space planning and better employee experiences meet for a productive talent retention plan.

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