
Indoor Analytics and Data Collection

Optimize your operations by collecting, processing, and analyzing data about indoor locations

Indoor map with blue dots and data being managed in a GIS for a large building, with colored shapes.

Location-based insights come from having geospatial data and processing it to gain value. Indoor data collection is a scalable process for increasing the information at your organization's fingertips to guide reactive action, while indoor analytics is the forward-thinking practice of synthesizing the data to extract high-value strategic and tactical planning.

Get started with indoor data

Leverage your indoor data

Asset status, locations and characteristics, interior building information, floor plan layouts, maintenance history, occupancy and space usage, and indoor analytics from positioning systems are all valuable forms of indoor data. This data can be used as is to guide workers in the field to more efficient problem resolution, or analyzed at a macro level to gather insights that inform better facilities management and space utilization decisions.


Enhance operations with indoor positioning analytics

Using indoor mapping to have location data about assets is one part of the future of smarter facilities management. Indoor geospatial analytics provides detailed insights from indoor location data from things like service time optimization, dwell time, proximity analysis, asset location allocation, occupancy, and other space utilization elements to make informed decisions about building management. This leads to more informed operations decisions and better user experience in facilities.

Unlock indoor insights
Woman working at a computer viewing indoor data with a dashboard with numbers and looking at indoor maps

Use indoor data collection for more comprehensive analysis

Structured location data about assets in your facilities is imperative to developing a deeper understanding of your built environment though analysis. This understanding leads to more empowerment for boots-on-the-ground workers to execute their jobs more efficiently and proactively add to the data collection and management process. On the building occupant side, this can be used to identify things like first aid kit locations, defibrillators, printers, kiosks, and more. This data management consists of asset locations, maintenance history, facility conditions, use patterns, and more for comprehensive analysis and action.

Explore indoor data collection
Service worker capturing indoor data on a phone to map asset conditions and locations.


Using GIS for a vertical asset management program

Raleigh Water uses indoor GIS for data management and collection for a complex asset portfolio to maintain operations and service.

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