Colorful stylized graphics of city infrastructure divided into 3 square layers stacked on top of one another

Things to Do

9–11 April 2025

Frankfurt, Germany

Frankfurt Main Train Station Tour

9 April at 14:15 and 10 April at 13:30 | Esri International IMGIS registration required

Join us for two live ArcGIS IPS demonstrations at Frankfurt Main Station to experience the indoor blue dot in action.

On Wednesday, 9 April, and Thursday, 10 April, our on-site indoor GIS team will guide you through the following activities:

  • Enabling indoor positioning within the train station
  • Locating yourself on the digital indoor map
  • Navigating the station in real time

Registration is limited—reserve your spot on the tour today.

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A modern high-speed train at a platform in a grandly designed train station with an arched glass and metal ceiling

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