Esri Safety & Security Summit

July 12–15, 2025 | San Diego, California

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Make critical decisions with confidence using GIS

Discover how real-time mapping and analysis are transforming the way safety, security, and emergency management professionals make critical decisions. Learn new strategies for identifying threats, predicting risks, and building resilience.

Enhance situational awareness

Enhance situational awareness

Explore how GIS integrates real-time data, enabling emergency responders and leaders to easily visualize situations and act faster with greater precision.

Develop new strategies based on real-world success

Develop new strategies based on real-world success

Join thought leaders and Esri experts as they share powerful stories about the work being done in the safety, security, and emergency management communities.

Master risk assessment and mitigation

Master risk assessment and mitigation

Discover how maps uncover hidden patterns and relationships, allowing you to more effectively identify risks, overcome challenges, and mitigate current and future threats.

Strengthen your safety and security network

Strengthen your safety and security network

Connect with your peers from local, national, and global organizations. Discuss the latest GIS trends, innovations, and solutions being applied to public safety missions and issues.

Submit Plenary Session images

Share examples of your work

If you have a map, dashboard, or other GIS-based tool that has helped you make a positive impact, we encourage you to submit images for a chance to be featured in front of your peers. Your images may be used in the Plenary Session at Esri UC or the Esri Safety & Security Summit.

Visit the Esri UC Call for Images page to submit your images and review our tips and guidelines.

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