Waves of color interlaced under graphics of topographic and aerial view grid maps in shades of orange, yellow and light blue.

Registration Details

Registration is now closed

Palm Springs Convention Center | Palm Springs, California

Registration options

Discover what’s included in Esri Developer & Technology Summit registration and choose how you would like to attend.

In person access

Additional rates in the table below

Price: Standard—$1,590

Full digital access

Participate virtually in select sessions

Price: $149

Plenary Session only 

‎Access Plenary Session live streams

Price: No cost

Plenary and Keynote Sessions
Join us in Palm Springs and be inspired as thought leaders share the latest innovations in geospatial development.
Grab a virtual front-row seat and experience the live streams.
Grab a virtual front-row seat and experience the live streams.
Technical sessions
Choose from over 150 technical sessions where you can learn to use the latest tools and get practical tips and tricks you can apply to your own projects.
Participate virtually in your choice of over 40 live stream sessions; over 100 more recordings will be available for replay in April.
not included
Esri Showcase
Give and receive valuable input and feedback as you engage one-on-one with Esri product, service, and industry experts.
includednot includednot included
User presentations
Discover success stories from your peers and how they overcame their challenges by using geospatial solutions.
includednot includednot included
Additional sessions
In addition to technical sessions and user presentations, the Esri Developer & Technology Summit offers a wealth of learning opportunities through Demo Theater presentations or special interest group meetings.
includednot includednot included
Connect with your peers at social events and throughout the event. Take advantage of the many ways to network and collaborate with others in the user community.
includednot includednot included
Training opportunities
Connect with an Esri developer to ask questions, get practical tips, and have your app reviewed at the Esri Developer & Technology Summit.
includednot includednot included

Registration rates

Early bird$1,450December 6, 2024
Standard$1,590February 6, 2025
Late/On-site$1,750After February 6, 2025
Educators$799Not included
Combo: Esri Partner Conference and Esri Developer & Technology Summit—Early bird$2,350December 6, 2024
Combo: Esri Partner Conference and Esri Developer & Technology Summit—Standard$2,599February 6, 2025
Combo: Esri Partner Conference and Esri Developer & Technology Summit—Late/On-site$2,899After February 6, 2025
Digital Access$149Not included
Plenary Session only accessNo costNot included

What's included in registration

Registration includes access to all scheduled summit events and sessions, including Plenary Sessions, technical sessions, user presentations, and the Esri Showcase.


What you need to register


Cancellation policy

For cancellations received after February 14, 2025, registrants will forfeit 50 percent of their registration fee.

Confirmed registrants who do not participate or who cancel after February 28, 2025, will forfeit their entire registration fee, and registrations received after this date will not be eligible for refunds. If you need to cancel due to special circumstances, please email confregis@esri.com with your request for review.

Substitutions for registrants can be made at any time. Esri reserves the right to cancel any event or training if the minimum registration is not met. If Esri cancels an event, registration fees will be refunded. Canceling your registration does not automatically cancel your housing reservation, if applicable.


Justify your attendance

We've created a customizable letter you can use to show your manager or organization the value of your attendance at this year's Esri Developer & Technology Summit. Download the letter and add details that highlight how you'll use your new knowledge and connections to get the most from your company's investment in GIS.

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