
Emerging businesses that are innovating for customer value with Esri's ArcGIS software

The Esri Startup program is an exclusive global program that helps early stage startups build mapping technology and location intelligence into their products. Customers benefit from the agile, innovative, and forward-thinking approach that Startup partners provide. If you're looking to work with a startup company or build on ArcGIS, the world's leading GIS technology, Esri can help.

Who qualifies as a startup?

Esri selects ambitious, technology-focused startups that build creative solutions through the adoption of ArcGIS. Get resources to develop or migrate your solution, successfully go to market, and build a lasting partnership with Esri. To be considered, your business should:

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Working with an Esri Startup partner

Esri relies on an ecosystem of up-and-coming partners to make offerings more relevant and attainable to companies just like yours. Here are some reasons to consider working with an Esri Startup partner:

Deliver focused solutions and content

Gain even more from your ArcGIS investment. Esri has helped hundreds of startups scale across all lines of business around the globe. Esri partners play a critical role in building, extending, customizing, and enriching Esri's technology, delivering unique industry-specific applications and content that meet customers' current and future needs.

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Start leveraging important tech trends

Startup partners deliver offerings on Esri's ArcGIS systems that help reduce complexities within your organization. Take advantage of leading enterprise offerings that are leveraging important tech trends in machine learning, artificial intelligence, big data, and more. Get started with these offerings today on the ArcGIS Marketplace. 

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Help customers with their needs

Esri partners help you grow and scale your business on ArcGIS. Startup partners around the world are uniquely positioned to help you accelerate your journey by providing solutions or data tailored to your use case. Take full advantage of all that Esri partners have to offer.

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Startup takes on stormwater management

2NDNATURE's stormwater management platform helps make it easy for cities to benchmark and improve the quality of urban waterways.

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