Building reliable GIS software depends on testing with reliable GIS data across a wide range of environments. The ArcGIS Maps SDKs DevOps team is looking for someone passionate about GIS data and infrastructure, along with an interest in DevOps tools and practices, to help create/maintain the GIS data and GIS infrastructure relied upon for testing the ArcGIS Maps SDKs.
DataOps brings together the principles of agile software development with the best practices of DevOps and applies them to data and data infrastructure. The goal of the GIS DataOps Engineer is to apply DevOps practices like automation, cross-platform scripting, reporting and alerting, and infrastructure-as-code, to the creation and maintenance of the GIS infrastructure and GIS data used for testing GIS software. This role combines the skills of a traditional GIS Systems Administrator with the tools and techniques of a DevOps Engineer. This an unique opportunity to work with an experienced DevOps team to learn and leverage industry-standard software development techniques and tools within the context of Esri’s GIS software platform to problem solve on a wide range of data-related challenges.