ArcGIS Tracker

What's new in ArcGIS Tracker (March 2020)

ArcGIS Tracker is a mobile solution that enables organizations to capture the tracks of mobile users, monitor where they are, and analyze where they have been. Tracker includes a mobile app for iOS and Android devices that efficiently runs in the background to capture location tracks. It also includes a Track Viewer web app that administrators can use to view tracks.

Tracker recently updated on both the iOS and Android platforms and there a couple of key new enhancements worth mentioning.

Unique ID 

Tracker now auto-generates a unique ID for each tracking session. When you flick the switch to turn on tracking, a new GUID value will be written into the Session ID field. This makes it easier to analyze multiple tracks made by one mobile user.

For example, if you are conducting a gas leak survey in an assigned section of pipeline, turn tracking on at 8:00 AM and a new GUID value will be written to each subsequent track point. When you are finished with the leak survey, turn tracking off. All tracks between 8:00 AM and when you finished the gas leak survey will have the same Session ID value.


Apple Watch App

A companion watchOS app is now available to pair with iOS devices. You can start and stop tracking directly from your Apple Watch without having to take your phone out of your pocket. From the watchOS app you can view your schedule as well.

We’ve added Tracker as a watch face complication so that you can view tracking status from any watch face or open the app directly from the complication to change your status.

In addition to the updates mentioned above, we’ve made a number of performance and stability improvements to the mobile apps and to the Track Viewer web app as well.

What’s Coming Next

There’s lots to new functionality filling up the product pipeline for Tracker. We’re currently shaping a few key enhancement requests we’ve heard from you. Here is a sampling:

Please let us know what you’d like to see next in Tracker. Submit your ideas to the ArcGIS Ideas site.


About the author

Jeff Shaner is a Senior Product Lead with the software products team at Esri. With 27 years experience, Jeff is focused on delivering apps that enable users to work more productively, safely, and effectively. In his spare time, you are likely to find Jeff on the golf course or hockey rink. 

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