ArcGIS Survey123

What's new in ArcGIS Survey123 (August 2022)

An update to ArcGIS Survey123 is now available. This release includes many critical fixes, and some great new features too. Read on to learn more!

What’s new in the Survey123 web designer

Do you want to visually create powerful smart forms? You are just one click away! Sign in to and before you know it, you will be up and running.   Use the Add panel in the Survey123 web designer to drag questions into your forms. You will find many question types including: free text, numbers, dates, lists, check lists, photos, files and of course: maps and addresses.  Keep things tidy with groups and pages and make your work shine with your own custom theme. Once you are happy with your design, share your form within your organization or make it public. As data comes in, you will be able to visualize it and make decisions right away.

Find question types more quickly

You will find that the Add panel in the web designer now looks different.   We added new question types recently and it was getting a little busy. We also have more in the works so this is the right time to reorganize.

Note how question types have been split into different groups. This makes it easier to find the question type you are looking for.

The Question panel has been reorganized

The switchers to show and hide the survey header, description and footer are now in the the Add panel.

Boost the quality of addresses

You might be familiar with the address question type. If not, check this post for details. This release introduces the concept of minimum address accuracy, which you can optionally set to boost the quality of your address data.

Address question type now includes an option to set a minimum addrss match score

As respondents type an address, Survey123 checks how well the text entered matches existing entries in your locator. A perfect match gives a score of 100.  It is always good practice to store the match score as an attribute. That way, you will know how good your location data is!  Additionally, you can now use the accuracy score as a data validation rule: If the score is below your threshold, the address will not be accepted.

Note: You will want to use this new feature with caution. For example if your locator is not up to date, it is not a good idea to pick a high score.

Changes to choice lists (single choice, dropdown, ranking…)

Starting with this update, you can’t modify existing choices in a list. This used to be allowed, but it had the potential to cause data inconsistency.  With this release, if you need to update choices in a list, you will need to delete the choice first, and replace it with a new one.   It may seem like more work at first, but it will save you headaches in the future.


What’s new in the Survey123 web app

What about having people complete your forms over the web?  Your web forms can be embedded within a website, linked from social media, and so on. That’s what the Survey123 web app is for. Nothing to install!

File uploads get easier: just drag and drop

Do you want to upload a PDF or some other file as part of your form?  Simply drag and drop your files and Survey123 will do the rest.  This new feature is particularly useful if you complete a form on a laptop or desktop computer.

Drag and drop now available for images and files
Drag and drop now available for images and files

What’s new in the Survey123 field app

The Survey123 field app is available for iOS, Android and Windows. Use it if you need to work offline, or if you want additional features not available in the web app: photo markup, watermarks, integration with laser rangefinders and external GNSS receivers

The latest build number for the Survey123 field app is 3.15.156. Download it from the app stores to benefit from the following fixes:



What’s coming next

A localization issue in the calendar control of web forms was recently reported. The fix did not make it to this release, but we will address it before the end of next week.

Within 2022, we plan updates in September, October and December.  A few features planned include:

Support for location sharing, indoors and smart assistants coming in 2023, among many more things. Get the details from the Survey123 Early Adopter Program.

About the author

Ismael Chivite joined Esri in 2002. A geographer by training, he loves helping people leverage GIS to improve the way they work. As a Senior Product Manager, Ismael is always looking for ideas to create new and improve existing Esri products. Outside working hours: Legos, rock climbing, Romanesque architecture and jamon iberico. On occasion, he enjoys jamon during working hours too.


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