ArcGIS Survey123

Survey123 for ArcGIS 1.9 is now available

[Source: Survey123 for ArcGIS Blog in GeoNet]

Around 11:30 A.M. on November 7, 1492, a young boy saw a large stone plummet from the sky and land in a wheat field near the town of Ensisheim in Alsace, France. This fall is the earliest one witnessed in the Western world from which meteorite samples have been preserved.

Our Survey123 for ArcGIS 1.9 release celebrates the luck of this boy, who was fortunate enough to see the meteorite close… but not too close.

Before we start:

As usual, to experience the best out of the newest release you will want to keep your Survey123 components up to date:

  1. The Survey123 website is all up to date for you, but you will need to clear your browser cache before you can see all the goodies!.
  2. The build number of Survey123 Connect for ArcGIS is now 1.9.24 and can be downloaded on Windows, Mac and Ubuntu Linux.
  3. The latest Survey123 field app is available in the app stores (Google Play, iTunes, Windows and Amazon) and its build number is 1.9.24 also.

Public Surveys:

Many of you have been awaiting this one for a long time, so we are particularly proud of announcing that as of Survey123 1.9 you can now share your surveys publicly!  This means people can submit data to your surveys without having to login with an ArcGIS account. This is ideal for crowd-sourcing and citizen science projects where you work with non-sensitive data and where understanding who is submitting what, is not critical.

This is our first cut at Public Surveys. We know we need to add some refinements, but we did not want to hold anything for you and get your feedback early. To learn about Public Surveys in more detail you can have a look at this blog post: Getting Started with Public Surveys.

Enhancements to the Survey123 website:

The Survey123 website can be accessed via Through the website, you can create your own surveys, manage who can access them and analyze contributions.  1.9 includes these  key enhancements:

If you cannot see the above changes in the website make sure you clear your browser cache.

Survey123 field app, support for Enterprise Logins:

This is the first release of the Survey123 field app that works against ArcGIS organizations setup with Enterprise logins. Support is limited to authentication via SAML providers. Windows Integrated Authentication and PKI authentication are not supported.

If you want to use Windows Active Directory credentials to login into Survey123, you will need to configure your ArcGIS Online or Portal for ArcGIS to use Enterprise Logins through an ADFS SAML as described in this topic.

Survey123 field app, better support for Leica and Juniper Android devices:

The Survey123 for ArcGIS field app now runs on Leica Zeno 20 and Juniper Cedar CT7 and CT4 devices. This is great news for organizations who want to use Survey123 with high-end rugged field devices. Previous versions of Survey123 could not run on Zeno 20 and CT’s due to specific limitations in the Android 4.1 operating system installed on these devices.
To make it easier for users of these devices to download Survey123, we also have published the Survey123 app into the Amazon app store.

Other fixes and enhancements.

What is coming next?

We are now working towards our 1.10 release, which we plan to make available before the end of the year.  In this upcoming release our main goal is to:

We have also started work to address a few other big items which will be made available in early 2017:

We all hope you enjoy this release. As usual, please keep reporting any issues and successes through the Survey123 GeoNet Group or Esri Technical Support.

About the author

Ismael Chivite joined Esri in 2002. A geographer by training, he loves helping people leverage GIS to improve the way they work. As a Senior Product Manager, Ismael is always looking for ideas to create new and improve existing Esri products. Outside working hours: Legos, rock climbing, Romanesque architecture and jamon iberico. On occasion, he enjoys jamon during working hours too.

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