ArcGIS StoryMaps

Recent posts on the Story Maps Developers' Corner

A few months ago we announced the Story Maps Developers’ Corner on Medium. The Devs’ Corner is a great place for developers of all experience levels to learn about how to customize Esri’s open-source Storytelling Apps and get tips and ideas for specific customizations.

Here’s what we’ve been blogging about recently for developers:

If you need help using or customizing a Story Map app you can visit the Story Maps place on GeoNet to post questions and browse posts from your fellow storytellers and developers. Members of Esri’s Story Maps Team also review and respond to issues you raise on GeoNet.

This post was originally published in April 2016 and was updated in December 2018.

About the author

Owen is the lead product engineer for ArcGIS StoryMaps and has been with Esri since 2004. Before joining the StoryMaps team, he spent 11 years as a solution engineer on Esri's National Government team helping people understand the value and utility of geospatial thinking.


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