ArcGIS Blog

Esri Talking Location Analytics at Information Builders Summit

Robin Jones will be speaking at Information Builders SummitEsri’s ArcGIS platform has some of the greatest data and tools for location analytics, and our own Robin Jones will be presenting about just that at Information Builders Summit at the end of May.

Her talk is titled Location Analytics: Using Esri Demographic to Fuel Data Discovery, and here is the abstract:

With location analytics, you can filter demographic data to identify locations and populations that meet your required criteria, examine localized needs to determine the most effective allocation of resources, and create prediction models that simulate scenarios based on current and historical trends. The results of analysis are incorporated directly into maps and dashboards, giving immediate access to new insights that help determine the best course of action. Learn to improve the strategic value of your analysis, so you can make more informed decisions and deliver better outcomes. Common benefits recognized by location analytics users include improved information management, enhanced communication, better decisions, reduced costs, and increased revenue. Hear case studies and see a demo of WebFOCUS InfoDiscovery with Esri.

If you’re going to Information Builders Summit, make sure to swing by Robin’s presentation Sunday, May 31st at 3:15 on the Tech Level – and Esri’s booth in the exhibit hall.

Information Builders and Esri have been long-time partners, and we’re excited to be working together to make business intelligence stronger with location analytics.

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