
Esri and the International Hydrographic Organization: A Growing Partnership

Esri’s Maritime team was thrilled to host  Dr. Kentaro Kaneda from the International Hydrographic Organization (IHO) for three weeks.  Dr. Kaneda is currently serving as the IHO’s GIS program technical lead.

Dr. Kaneda  spent his time at Esri’s Redlands Headquarters immersing himself in the Esri platform.  His visit is part of the IHO’s GIS Project and started out with a series of Esri training classes to grow his technical skills.  In addition to training, members of Esri’s Maritime team and Dr. Kaneda participated in a series of workshops.  These workshops focused on developing ideas and ways to expand the IHO’s Web-GIS program and to spatially-enable their extensive data holdings.  Dr. Kaneda and the Maritime team drafted a series of StoryMaps showing critical data about the IHO’s C-55 program.  He also completed a draft webmap showing data coverage in Antarctica and the Southern Ocean during his visit. This new webmap will replace the IHO website’s current map in the next 2-3 months.

Esri is committed to supporting the IHO in its effort to ensure that all of the world’s seas, ocean and navigable water are surveyed and charted.  The Esri platform facilitates data sharing and collaboration across the IHO’s membership.  Esri is excited about the many possibilities  with the IHO in implementing Web-GIS.

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