
Learn ArcGIS December Release

Learn ArcGIS published 14 new learning resources this month:


Getting Started Path for Teachers

Most educators ask: Where do I begin? Follow this beginner path to build your confidence with online mapping tools.

Getting Started Path for Teachers


Implementation Guide for the Classroom 2nd Edition

New & improved design with updated content to reflect the latest release of ArcGIS Online

Implementation Guide for the Classroom


Assess Student Work in a Portfolio

Build a GIS Portfolio of maps and web applications to assess student work in online, printed, or PDF maps.

Assess Student Work in a Portfolio


Wayback Imagery: Fluctuating Lakes

Use the Wayback Imagery app to study the fluctuation of water levels in selected world lakes.

Wayback Imagery: Fluctuating Lakes


Hurricane Michael: Before and After Images of Destruction

Using a NOAA Web Map Tile Service to obtain and compare imagery of Mexico Beach, FL before and after Hurricane Michael.

Hurricane Michael: Before and After Images of Destruction


Get Started with ArcGIS Pro (New Scenario!)

Map the impact of roads on deforestation in the Amazon rainforest.

Get Started with ArcGIS Pro


Predict Weather with Real-Time Data

Explore real-time weather data, make predictions, and interpolate surfaces.

Predict Weather with Real-Time Data


Map Breast Cancer Differences by Ethnicity

Learn about the disparity in breast cancer mortality rates.

Map Breast Cancer Differences by Ethnicity


Policy Mapping – Improve Newborn Health

Identify counties in need of low birth weight intervention.

Policy Mapping - Improve Newborn Health


Visualize Predicted Economic Growth

Use a 3D image to show projected job and housing growth.

Visualize Predicted Economic Growth


Get Started with Collector

Try Collector for free – no account or setup required. Capture a digital version of your local park.

Get Started with Collector


Make Your First Collector Map

Create your first map for data collection: use templates and make a layer, put it on a map, and collect data in the field using Collector.

Make Your First Collector Map


Get Started with ArcGIS Enterprise

Create and share an evacuation map to prepare for an incoming hurricane.

Get Started with ArcGIS Enterprise


And finally, Learn ArcGIS lessons are now available as ArcGIS Online items!

Search the ArcGIS Learn Lessons group in the Learn Org to add items to your own Organizations.


Please feel free to share with teachers, friends, or colleagues!

About the author

I'm passionate about maps and GIS, and in my spare time my 2 dogs, 2 cats, iguana, and fish keep me busy.


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