
New Spatial Analyst Supplemental tools, v1.2

Based on demand and feedback, we have produced a couple new tools to add to the Spatial Analyst Supplemental toolbox. These are the Erase Raster Values and the Zonal Statistics as Table for Overlapping Features tools.  Read on for more details on what these tools do and how to use them.

Erase Raster Values

Have you ever wanted to just replace certain cells in a raster without having to go through a sequence of Con, SetNull and other operations?  With the new Erase Raster Values tool, you can simply provide an input (feature or raster) that defines the areas of cells you want to change, and then specify if you want those cells to become NoData or some other value in the output raster.

Zonal Statistics as Table for Overlapping Features

As some of you know, the Zonal Statistics as Table tool does not process overlapping polygons individually, but instead flattens them down into one layer before performing the zonal operation.  This new Zonal Statistics as Table for Overlapping Features tool allows you to get the results you are looking for directly, in one step.  A side benefit this tool offers is that it should avoid the need for any of the alternative workflows you may have used to handle this situation in the past.

One thing to be aware of is that this tool requires that there be at least two overlapping zones in your input data, otherwise it won’t execute.  If this happens, just use the original Zonal Statistics as Table tool.

Downloading and installing

The Spatial Analyst Supplemental Toolbox version 1.2 is available for download here:

Once you’ve downloaded the file to your machine, extract the contents of the zip file.  Then, in Catalog, navigate to the location you extracted the files to. You should now see the Python toolbox containing the Script tools .

Note that the samples are geared for ArcGIS version 10.1 SP1 and beyond.

Original tools

For more information on the other Supplemental tools that are available, have a look at this blog post:

Introducing the Spatial Analyst Supplemental tools

About the author

Juan is a Product Engineer and Documentation Lead on the Spatial Analyst team.

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