ArcGIS Maps SDK for JavaScript

How to add an inner glow to polygons with the ArcGIS API for JavaScript

So you want a super slick inner glow effect for some polygons in your app, to no avail. Sure, an “inner glow” effect isn’t yet supported in the JavaScript API, nor is a buffer fill.  But Picture strokes are supported, and you can bake all manner of visual shenanigans into those things…

You can use these graphics as picture fills in ArcGIS Pro, as well. Here are some examples…

A picture stroke in ArcGIS Pro resembling an inner glow
A picture stroke in ArcGIS Pro resembling an inner glow

Thanks to Anne Fitz for the collaboration, and setting up the CodePen!

Happy inner-glowing!

About the authors

I have far too much fun looking for ways to understand and present data visually, hopefully driving product strategy and engaging users. I work in the ArcGIS Living Atlas team at Esri, pushing and pulling data in all sorts of absurd ways and then sharing the process. I also design user experiences for maps and apps. When I'm not doing those things, I'm chasing around toddlers and wrangling chickens, and generally getting into other ad-hoc adventures. Life is good. You might also like these Styles for ArcGIS Pro:


Anne Fitz is a Senior Product Engineer at Esri, working on the ArcGIS Maps SDK for JavaScript and ArcGIS Arcade. Her expertise primarily focuses on dynamic vector symbology (CIM symbols), data visualization, animation, ArcGIS Arcade integration, and widgets. Anne’s primary goal is to help developers succeed in building geospatial applications, providing them with the tools and knowledge they need to bring their ideas to life. She has been with Esri for over five years.

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