ArcGIS Instant Apps

Chart Viewer: a new Instant App

Updated November 2022

As one of the new ArcGIS Instant App, Chart Viewer allows you to display your charts alongside your map. App authors can display multiple data-based charts configured in Map Viewer to compliment information in the map. Chart Viewer supports all the chart types in the Map Viewer: bar, line, histogram and scatter plots.  Up to three charts can viewed at the same time, along with the map. For example, in this app view a scatterplot comparing monthly housing cost exceeding 30% of monthly income for renters vs homeowners, a bar chart showing the distribution of homeowners with mortgages exceeding 30% of monthly costs and chart comparing renters to owners, all while the map is visible. Just like in the Map Viewer, you can interact with the chart and map together by making selections.

Map with 3 charts open in the app

Charts Viewer Configuration

Start by authoring your charts in the Map Viewer.  After charts have been created in the web map, the map can be published to the Chart Viewer Instant App. To share apps from the Map Viewer to Instant Apps select Create App > Instant Apps and select the Chart Viewer template.

The following are some highlights of configurable options in the Chart Viewer:

Chart Viewer Instant App with map and charts shown side by side
Chart edit options within the configuration panel of the app
selection made from the map
Layer switcher in chart component, loads in charts from the selected layer.


View Covid-19 trends in the United States, look at cases by state and distribution of total cases.

Chart Viewer example showing covid trends

Adding a chart to show each state’s generational breakdown can add value to the map. Test out this Chart Viewer app, use the chart’s interactive legend to turn off/on different generations in the chart.

Chart Viewer example showing the breakdown of generations in state populations

About the author

Beth is a Product Engineer on the ArcGIS Online team.

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