ArcGIS Insights

What’s new with ArcGIS Insights (February 2020)

It’s a new year! Even though it is several weeks past Jan 1st, there’s no better time to have a new release for ArcGIS Insights. By this time, despite our best intentions, many of us have already broken our New Year’s resolutions. Insights can help you get you back on track for ten common resolutions: look and feel great, save more, be environmentally responsible, spend time with family, read more, try something new, travel, live life to the fullest, get organized, and get more sleep. Take a look at the new release and see how we can help you with your New Year’s goals.

Look and feel great (New UI)

Feel great about yourself when you create a workbook. You’ll notice a new look and feel giving you more screen real estate and a cleaner, simpler user experience. There are so many great updates we’ve had to write a separate blog to tell you all about it. Read the article here.

Navigating ArcGIS Insights workbooks

Save more (Export datasets from the data pane)

You’re able to save more by exporting datasets out of Insights, into other formats, such as shapefile, CSV, or GeoJSON by using export data from the data pane. You can then share these datasets with others or use these datasets in other applications.

Export dataset to CSV, Shapefile or GeoJSON from the data pane.

Be environmentally responsible (Support for domains and subtypes)

Use coded value domains and subtypes on feature classes and feature layers to classify the amount of garbage, recycling, and compost you produce and analyze where you can make improvements to help the environment. Cards, filters, and widgets now display the coded values to make your analysis easier to read and understand when using datasets defined with domains and subtypes.

Spend time with family (New time field calculations)

Use the new TIME() and TIMEDIF() to calculate how much more time you can spend with your family. Use the TIME() calculation to calculate a time field based on hours, minutes, and seconds you provide. If you have two time fields, you can then use TIMEDIF() to determine the total time difference between the two fields.

Calculate field for TIME() and TIMEDIF() functions in the data table.

Read more (Improved summary tables)

You’ll be reading a lot more on the summary table with these improvements. The statistics in the header can be streamlined to collapse or expand your summary statistics. Reorder fields has been improved. It is now to be easier to identify where you are moving fields.

Collapse of the statistic in the header.

Try something new (ArcGIS Enterprise 10.8 support)

Support for ArcGIS Enterprise 10.8 has been added at this release. For What’s New with ArcGIS Enterprise 10.8 check out ArcGIS Enterprise 10.8 help documentation.

Travel (ArcGIS Insights desktop)

ArcGIS Insights desktop is now final! Don’t be afraid to take Insights desktop on that next flight you may have. Insights desktop is available on macOS and Windows platforms. You can use Insights with local files or with packages you have exported for your anticipated travels.

Don’t have Insights desktop? Get it here.

Live life to the fullest (Enterprise logins and multiple ArcGIS Enterprise connections for Insights desktop)

Live your life to the fullest by using your enterprise login to sign in to an ArcGIS Enterprise secured portal authentication. Don’t leave any data out of your analysis. Fill up your workbook in Insights desktop with data from a single ArcGIS Online connection and multiple ArcGIS Enterprise organizations by creating multiple connections. Creating multiple connections allows you to use data from all of your ArcGIS organizations in the same workbook.

Multiple connections in the Connections tab of the home screen.

Get organized (Collapse date/time subfields)

You can reduce clutter by collapsing the date/time subfields to show more existing fields below the date/time field in the data pane.

Collapse of a date/time field.

Create folders to organize your workbooks, models, datasets, connections, pages, and themes. Although this could previously be done in Insights in ArcGIS Enterprise and Insights in ArcGIS Online, this feature is now also available in Insights desktop. Placing items in folders makes it easier to find items that are related to each other such as data, workbooks, and models that are all used within the same ongoing project.

Get more sleep (User settings for Insights desktop)

You will have more time to sleep if you set your user settings in Insights desktop rather than changing them every time you open the application.

Using the user settings, select whether you want to use online or offline help, change the logging level, and change the default tab the homepage opens to.

User settings for Insights desktop.

More ways to reach your goals

Now you can see how Insights can help you keep on track with ten common resolutions: look and feel great, save more, be environmentally responsible, spend time with family, read more, try something new, travel, live life to the fullest, get organized, and get more sleep. Tackle these goals (or additional goals) yourself by logging into ArcGIS Insights. For more details on Insights 2020.1 check out help documentation.

Don’t have ArcGIS Insights yet? Sign up for a 21 day free trial today.

Need some more inspiration on reaching your goals? Check out the example gallery to see first-hand how other users are using Insights across multiple industries.

About the author

Dara is a product engineer on the ArcGIS Insights team. She has been with Esri since 2004, working on a variety of products in the ArcGIS stack of software.


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