This June, Esri Demographics will continue to deliver US and global data offerings built to empower users with the facts they need. The year’s most anticipated data release will also feature new data for the US that covers the labor market, Time Series data, boundaries for the US and Puerto Rico, and new Connnecticut county-equivalent geographic units.
Users in search of global data will have access to data for 27 countries across Europe, and new demographic data from Japan.
Esri’s demographic data is available through the following delivery mechanisms: ArcGIS GeoEnrichment service, ArcGIS Business Analyst (web app and Pro), ArcGIS Insights, ArcGIS for Excel, ArcGIS for Power BI, and as data files.
Updated Data for the June 2024 release includes the following:
- Business Summary data—Updated to February 2024 for the US
- Market Potential data—Updated MRI-Simmons Spring 2023 Doublebase survey
- Consumer Spending data—Updated BLS 2022 interview and 2021 and 2022 diary surveys
- CrimeRisk data— Updated data from Applied Geographic Solutions (AGS)
Get a copy of the June 2024 release notes.
New Connecticut Boundary Data
Demographic data users have long requested access to boundaries that represent the census’s new CT county-equivalent geographic units. Starting this June, Esri will offer CT boundary data that will reflect the change in the number of counties from eight to nine geographical units. This will allow for greater accuracy for users of CT Census/ACS (American Community Survey) data.

New and Updated Market Potential Variables
Esri combines the latest Tapestry Segmentation data with the American Consumer 2023 Doublebase survey from MRI-Simmons to create its Market Potential database. There will be new variables and updated variables included in the release that can help users understand demand and where potential consumers may be located.

Analyze the US Labor Market by Race
Esri’s new Labor force by race variables will allow users to dig more deeply into the US labor market. The new variables included in the June release segment the labor market by racial and ethnicity categories to help users analyze workforce development and employment patterns.

Global Data Details
- Europe
Standard Demographics for 25 Countries in Europe:
Albania, Andorra, Belarus, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Estonia, Faroe Islands, Greenland, Hungary, Iceland, Kosovo, Latvia, Lithuania, Malta, Monaco, Moldova, Montenegro, North Macedonia, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia. (Updated to 2023 demographic data)
- Data source: Michael Bauer ResearchGmbH
- Japan
Advanced Demographics for Japan:
- New variables
- Data source: Esri Japan
- France
Advanced Demographics for France:
- Update to three variables
- Data source: Esri France
Visit the Esri Demographics documentation page to learn more about global data offerings.
Hear from Our Demographers
Read the latest blog from our Chief Demographer on refreshed age -based variables for June 2024.
Get Started
Esri Demographics are accessible in various formats from Esri:
ArcGIS Online and ArcGIS Pro
Use Enrich Layer to append location-based data to points, lines, or areas.
ArcGIS Business Analyst
Identify sites and evaluate markets with ArcGIS Business Analyst, demographic mapping software.
ArcGIS Location Platform
Enhance workflows and apps with the ArcGIS GeoEnrichment Service. Enrich data with additional location-based information about people and places in a specific area.
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