ArcGIS Collector

Collector for ArcGIS (iOS) Updated

The Collector team is pleased to announce that on Tuesday October 24th, we updated Collector for ArcGIS on the iOS platform.

This is a minor update that for Collector (v19.2.0) that includes the following:

We squashed a number of bugs including:

What’s Coming Next

As you know, we have been busy at work with Collector development on the Android platform and we are close to being feature complete. We have another beta update coming soon and are planning to release in Q1 of next year. If you are interested in participating in the beta program, you can join us here.

On the iOS platform, we have some exciting work happening that will see its way to releasing before the end of the year. This includes:

In addition to all of the above, we have started development of a new web experience for Collector that brings together all of the pieces needed to author and deploy maps to your field workforce. This will dramatically simplify the authoring experience and will be the home of some exciting new work in building smart forms for Collector. Please look for announcements of a new beta program starting later this fall.


About the author

Jeff Shaner is a Senior Product Lead with the software products team at Esri. With 27 years experience, Jeff is focused on delivering apps that enable users to work more productively, safely, and effectively. In his spare time, you are likely to find Jeff on the golf course or hockey rink. 


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