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Esri and the 2022 American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting

By Dawn Wright

Many know of the American Geophysical Union (AGU) as one of the world’s most well-respected Earth science scholarly organizations. Its annual fall meeting usually dwarfs the Esri UC by well over 10,000 attendees. Last year’s event attracted 25,482 attendees from more than 100 countries, maintaining its status as the largest Earth and space science meeting in the world. This year’s conference (#AGU22), December 12-16, 2022, will feature a hybrid experience over the course of just one week, with both in-person and virtual presentations in oral and poster sessions, in-person and virtual eLightning sessions, and an in-person exhibitor showcase.

Esri is once again a PREMIUM-level exhibitor with an on-site booth presence (#1927 across from NASA) under the theme of Next Generation Science Entails WHERE. The 3-main topic pillars/stations at the booth will be Open Science, Climate Change Sustainable Future, and Research & Education. There will be a bevy of rich content, messaging and demos under these topics, including on multidimensional scientific data and analysis, imagery, big data geoanalytics, raster analytics, data publishing and no-code apps, The Living Atlas of the World, ArcGIS Pro, R and Python integration, ArcGIS Notebooks, ArcGIS Hubs for open data platforms, ArcGIS StoryMaps, Learn ArcGIS, MOOCs, World [Terrestrial] Ecosystems (aka Ecological Land Units), Ecological Marine Units, Ecological Coastal Units, the entire web GIS pattern, our commitment to open/interoperable, and more.

Throughout the entire conference, Esri will have booth staff available each day should any AGU attendee have questions, wish to speak with Esri experts, or view a number of live science demos. Free books, the famous “Globie” Esri stressballs, and other giveaways will be part of the action too. In addition, a variety of science books from Esri Press will be available to AGU attendees at a significant discount.

Many thanks to Esri Earth Sciences Solution Director Lorraine Tighe for coordinating the participation of 17 booth staff in this important scientific conference.
Esri booth staff for the 2022 AGU meeting

BOOTH and other PHOTOS+VIDEOS (added to this blog January 18, 2023)

Beyond the booth, Esri will also be represented at six Town Hall meetings:

We are also pleased to share the lineup of presentations that will be made by Esri staff at the 2022 AGU Fall Meeting in a hybrid mode (either in-person or remote). AGU is striving to make as much content on-demand for virtual attendees with pre-recorded oral presentations and virtual posters available for attendees to view even outside the scheduled live, in-person sessions during the meeting.

You’ll see in the list below of scientific papers, posters, and entire sessions that Esri is leading or contributing on a wide variety of interesting and important projects. Many of these are in collaboration with our federal partners at NASA, NOAA, US Forest Service, Department of Energy, EPA, and the USGS, as well as several universities and national laboratories. This showcases how Esri not only enables great understanding of the world with our products and services, but also performs good science, and contributes well as a member of the scientific community, sharing and inspiring others as to The Science of Where.


(where B = Biogeosciences, GC = Global Environmental Change, IN = Earth and Space Science Informatics, OS = Ocean Sciences; 5-character codes are entire sessions)

B13A-07A New Inventory of U.S. Islands to Support Conservation Planning and Management

GC15G-0535 Evaluation of machine learning models to assess relationships between climate and corn suitability in the U.S.

IN16A-02 Comparison of 3D Radargrammetry and AI-Driven Geographic Approach to 1:50,000-scale Geology Mapping from Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar

IN26A-02 SeaFAIRing: experiences supporting deep ocean data providers towards more FAIR data

IN46A-05 NASA Earthdata Cloud ArcGIS Spatial Data Infrastructure for Enhanced End User Analysis Experiences in GIS Tools

OS25B-01 Initial Results from DSV Limiting Factor Dive 115 to Challenger Deep, July 2022, Including First Successful Operation of a Sidescan Sonar at Full Ocean Depth


(where A= Atmospheric Sciences, C= Cryosphere, DI = Study of Earth’s Deep Interior, ED = Education, EP = Earth and Planetary Surface Processes, GC = Global Environmental Change, GH = GeoHealth, H = Hydrology, NH = Natural Hazards, P = Planetary Sciences, PP = Paleooceanography and Paleoclimatology, T = Tectonophysics, SY = Science and Society; 5-character codes are entire sessions)

A54E-031 Advancing Our Understanding of Dust Stress and Its Feedbacks with OurClimate System by Monitoring of Climatic Factors (A Case Study of SouthKhorasan Province, Iran)

C35A-06 Vulnerability Assessment of Coastal Archaeological Sites in the Western Canadian Arctic – A case study of Sachs Harbor, NWT, Canada

DI32C-0026 The Geodynamic Evolution of the Jean Charcot Troughs: A Remote-Predictive Mapping Approach

ED35D-0622 Modeling the Habitat Suitability of Deep-sea Sponges on the Blake Plateau

ED52B-02 What’s in Your Water? A Story of Oklahoma

ED55F-0199 Utilizing Digital Field Tools to Promote Public Geoscience Education

EP42A-42 A Rock Glacier Inventory of the Central Alaska Range, Alaska

GC22H-0679 Prediction of the Potential Spatial Distribution of Reo Deer (Capreolus pygargus) in Jeju Island according to Climate Change

GC32N-0763 Multi-Hazard Assessment Using Multi-criteria Analysis in the Kailash Sacred Landscape

GH42A-35 Prescribed Burns as a Significant Contributor of Fine Particulate Matter in Nantahala National Forest, North Carolina

GH45B-0679 Use of Soil Moisture Active Passive satellite data (SMAP) and WorldClim 2.0 data to predict the potential distribution of visceral leishmaniasis and its vector Lutzomyia longipalpis in Sao Paulo and Bahia states, Brazil

H14F-02 Spatial and Temporal Analysis of Water Quality in the Greater Houston Area

H15K-0923 The AGWA-Urban Tool: A Linked GIS and Watershed Modeling Tool to Assess the Hydrologic Impacts of Development from Lot to Watershed Scales

H15N-0967 Beyond the Case Study: Characterizing Natural Floodplain Heterogeneity in the United States

H21C-06 Regionalization of Sediment Rating Curves in Peninsular India using Clustering Approach

H25J-1229 Statistical models of depth-to-bedrock across eastern Wisconsin, USA using AEM data

H41I-02A Low Resource Method for Populating a Septic System Database for Counties Using Remote Sensing and ArcGIS

NH14D-03 Modeling of Future Flood Risks with Sea Level Rise and Mitigation Measures: A Case Study in West Haven, CT, USA

P51B-08 Geological History Of The Mbokomu Mons Region, Along Parga Chasmata, 2400 km SE Of Atla Regio, Venus

P52D-1573 First USGS Global Geologic Map of Titan

PP55B-06 Alaskan Alpine Glaciers as Recorders of Last Glacial Maximum Precipitation and Temperature: Insights into Polar Paleoclimate

T12E-0134 Modeling of InSAR interferograms in the Brawley Seismic Zone during the Calipatria, California earthquake swarm of June 2021

SY12C-0400 How the Use of Tools Like Survey123 can Assess Real-Time Prevalence of Food Insecurity in Inaccessible Areas

SY32B-0633 Mapping of Exposure to Home-Based Lead Poisoning and Associated Pollutants in Lucas County, Ohio Using Geographic Information System (GIS)

Esri at past American Geophysical Union (AGU) Meetings in 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018.

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