The Esri Developer Summit 2019 in Palm Springs is almost here, scheduled March 5th – 8th. Once again, many teams have been working to provide a comprehensive line-up of offerings to help you get up to speed with the ArcGIS Pro SDK for .NET, and caught up with the latest features and patterns.
Below is a list of the many Pro SDK learning opportunities with links to all the details. You can also search the online agenda here. We look forward to seeing you at Dev Summit!
Pre-summit Hands-On Training
Introduction to Programming with the ArcGIS Pro SDK for .NET
This two-day hands-on training workshop is a great way to get started learning and using the Pro SDK. It often fills up quickly, although depending on availability you can register right up to the day of the training. See the link above to register.
Technical Sessions
Customization Patterns Series:
Beginning Pro Customization with focus on DAML and Customization Patterns
Intermediate Pro Customization with focus on Mapping and Layout APIs
Advanced Pro Customization with focus on Categories and Custom Settings
Editing Series:
Beginning Editing with Focus on EditOperation
Intermediate Editing with Focus on UI Customizations
Advanced Editing with Focus on Edit Operations, Transaction Types, and Events
Special Interest Areas:
Understanding Feature Services, a Guide for Developers
Understanding the CIM, a Guide for Developers
An Overview of the Geodatabase API
An Overview of the Utility Network Management API
Demonstrating Pro Extensibility with Add-Ins
Demo Theater Presentations
Working with Rasters and Imagery
Pro Road Ahead Session
ArcGIS Pro Area in the Showcase
Finally, plan to visit the ArcGIS Pro Area in the Esri Showcase to speak with Pro team members, including the SDK team. See demos of the latest features, ask your questions and discuss your plans for using and customizing Pro.

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